>me grug see wheel go fast >grug put wheel in head >head go fast now / #jokes for retards :: Приколы для даунов :: 4chan :: greentext :: :: без перевода :: 4chan :: greentext :: разное

#Приколы для даунов greentext 4chan без перевода 

>me grug see wheel go fast >grug put wheel in head >head go fast now,Приколы для даунов,разное,greentext,4chan,без перевода,#jokes for retards,,greentext,4chan
 >me grug see wheel go fast >grug put wheel in head >head go fast now
Приколы для даунов,разное,greentext,4chan,без перевода,#jokes for retards,,greentext,4chan
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i Anonymous
01/07/23(Sat)19:31:08 No.71736402
8272fefe9e9fdff2d3bb77957b79303cni.jpg 23 KB JPG
>when im at home on my computer i wish i had friends to do stuff with
>when i finally get friends and do stuff with them i wish i
was at home on my computer

4chan без перевода greentext 4chan greentext

i Anonymous 01/07/23(Sat)19:31:08 No.71736402 8272fefe9e9fdff2d3bb77957b79303cni.jpg 23 KB JPG >when im at home on my computer i wish i had friends to do stuff with >when i finally get friends and do stuff with them i wish i was at home on my computer why
• Anonymous
05/17/24(Fri)21:53:59 No.676770594
cpu-564771_1920 Cropped.jpg 77 KB JPG
>get a rock >melt rock
>turn rock into powder >turn rock into a crystal >turn it back into a rock
inscribe ancient runes with powerful magic onto rock
>trick rock into thinking
>can now use this evolved rock

Приколы для даунов разное без перевода 4chan черный юмор процессоры greentext Skyrim The Elder Scrolls фэндомы #jokes for retards 4chan black humor greentext Skyrim The Elder Scrolls games fandoms TES Other

• Anonymous 05/17/24(Fri)21:53:59 No.676770594 cpu-564771_1920 Cropped.jpg 77 KB JPG >get a rock >melt rock >turn rock into powder >turn rock into a crystal >turn it back into a rock inscribe ancient runes with powerful magic onto rock >trick rock into thinking >can now use this evolved rock
06/15/21 (Tue)13:08:36 No.64158138
>be brain
>chilling in some dude's head >he fell asleep wait check this out >AYO WE'RE FALLING BRO >jumpscare.exe
>lmao go back to sleep dumbass

4chan greentext без перевода мозг 4chan greentext brain

Anonymous 06/15/21 (Tue)13:08:36 No.64158138 >be brain >chilling in some dude's head >he fell asleep wait check this out >AYO WE'RE FALLING BRO >jumpscare.exe >lmao go back to sleep dumbass 52 KB JPG
: Anonymous
01/03/23(Tue)02:06:03 No.71667589
>New Year's Eve
>Hug my dog because it's fluffy and cute >Dad: Are you hugging the dog?
>Me: Yes
>Dad: How about you find a girlfriend and hug her? How about that?
Every single time...
1664459191880150.png 777 KB PNG

4chan тредшот без перевода greentext 4chan threadshot greentext

: Anonymous 01/03/23(Tue)02:06:03 No.71667589 >New Year's Eve >Hug my dog because it's fluffy and cute >Dad: Are you hugging the dog? >Me: Yes >Dad: How about you find a girlfriend and hug her? How about that? Every single time... 1664459191880150.png 777 KB PNG
198 KB JPG
>йе MT МКММЬТТ <Т+ТяеП >тМТТи> Ь згпТТве тт№Г<нМТ+ >бШЫ еГГПТТйЕ ТгПГ 4НЕ wTtE ><j!>iy ïïn+ йГаПвЕ

приколы для историков greentext 4chan тредшот шумеры

198 KB JPG >йе MT МКММЬТТ <Т+ТяеП >тМТТи> Ь згпТТве тт№Г<нМТ+ >бШЫ еГГПТТйЕ ТгПГ 4НЕ wTtE ><j!>iy ïïn+ йГаПвЕ НЬйЙЕТТ TIT ¡УПЙГ ЕшйТГе?