* 4 ( I Что вы делаете! Помидоры, сосиски. Бекон жарим. Ну вот, отлично. Все помидоры в золе Сигнальные огни зажглись! Хоббитцы зовут на ночной завтрак!
Movie Faramir "Maybe Daddy " *" ”, love me if I take the ring” 08111615 Book Faramir "I would not take this thing, if it lay by the highway. Not were Minas Tirith falling in ruin and I alone could save her, so, using the weapon of the Dark Lord for her good and my glory."
Fool... No man can kill me Well, technically... When I say “no man" I'm saying that no human creature can kill me. But since Merry Just stabbed me with his magical ‘barrow-dagger*, my connection to Sauron has been broken and I’m no longer bound to the power of the ring, thus making me now morta
Но постойте-ка, как же это назгул гадит мордору?