То самое популярное приложение, которое транслирует видео, как котики мило кушают, привело к большой трагедии.
Живодеры начали убивать котиков за деньги анонимных заказчиков.
За рыжего мистера Фреша готовы были заплатить 500$, но его успели спасти и теперь у мистера Фреша появился дом.
4х котиков спасти не удалось, их убили, одного сожгли. Некоторые пропали или покалечены.
Mr. Fresh has a bounty on his head. Save Mr. Fresh. Fvbruary 10th Hyo Cat TV The rotwoeted message came from Love Cat Fort Reward Order Conditions: Kill the network red bitch "fresh brother ", the method is not limited, there must be a video of the whole killing, after the completion of the killing, wait for 3 large filial cat bloggers to post mourning to confirm that the killing is correct, you can receive the bounty Kill bounty: 500usdt Extra Bounty: 100 usdt bonus for Street cat houses that dump bodies until they catch Fresh Brother Details are available at lovc^| HxvJ Undfl pm + ' A 1 G 25 * 18:38
|Bv iun° * ^ ^ i @shizutruth 8 kittens so far have been taken from the cat houses to be used for alr—e & most likely m-r^er the last kitten was murdered & the mother went missing, it is suspected she was ~-od aswell.
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