When my parents went to Ireland with my grandfather who hadn't been there in 25 years he took them to his favorite pub. When they went in a guy at the bar said "oh god he's back"
Мама 2
В сети
Ты купила семгу с бензоатом , не ешь
Деду оставь 18:02
Он в небольших количествах безопасен, все ок
18:03 ^
А деда не жалко? 18:оз^
Нет 18:03
Он и не такое ел 18 оз
от мальчика до деда
Пустая комната!
Тысячелетний дед в кофте Адидас!
Heh... fun pic, but if that were remotely real, he'd never be able to lift it (neither would most of us).