"Path of 1}opt “You try again, you fail better.” “When we have lost everything, including hope, life becomes a disgrace and death a duty.” “Each breath a gift, an opportunity, a beginning” "Blessings of T^ope Hope Clerics are granted many boons, they may be few in numbers but they tend to be more effective than other clerics. They are able to cast magics from the domain of Hope, which allows them to summon forth tendrils from the deep, along with the ability to breathe underwater, along with denser muscles and altered biology to survive deep ocean pressure. Candidates of Hope are granted a ‘Last Chance’ as they will be able to bring themselves back alive once, as well as the other boons provided to clerics but with twice the potency. Candidates of Hope tend to be seafaring voyagers and those seeking great change in the world. Hope’s Hellspawns tend to have a greenish aquatic appearance. Their hues may shift to pure white or green. They have the innate ability to breathe underwater and resist deep oceanic presssure Xegani gin again Hope rules over the seas and the abyssal depths beneath, a realm only accessible to fishfolk and those she blesses. Hope is an Unfamiliar Deity, one that the Fundamentals abhor and forbid the worship of.That being said, it does not stop the practice of Hope worship. Hope wishes to bring change upon the world, though that change remains a mystery, but one thing known for certain is that her idea of change is highly feared by all of the Fundamentals Hope favors optimists and strugglers, those who cling onto hope in a sea of adversity. She loves survivors and those with bright ideals, though she has been known to show favor to nihilists as well, attempting to give them purpose, for she knows that they will be the most loyal of followers once shown the light. Her cults vary from peaceful covens spreading the good word, to Eldritch cults unlocking mysteries from the age of myth, attempting to manifest Hope’s vision into the Familiar Lands Hope came from a time long gone, known sim Child Kin
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