: Anonymous 04/07/19(Sun)01 47 25 No.10687138! Do real kids actually not like broccoli? It seems to be a trope for characters to hate it, but I loved eating broccoli and other vegetables as a kid. I Anonymous 04/07/19(Sun)01 57:05 No.10687166i I was poor so we had nothing but microwave shit and ramen. I didnt try broccoli until i was in jr high and i was so - surprised at how good it tasted. My friends mom had made broccoli and cheese. I ate about 3 servings and told her how it was my first time to try it. I told them how cartoons always told me it would taste so bad. I wish i could have fucked my friends mom I 38 KB JPG
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Там есть генетическая зависимость. Люди с определенным генотипом могут чувствовать более полный вкус брокколи, и для них это отвратительная гадость. Другие люди этого не ощущают, и ни что не мешает им спокойно жрать эту мерзость.
Вроде как этот же ген может вызвать неприязнь к кофе и пиву.