Superhero Hockey - Bane Ends NHL Lockout - FULL VIDEO,Entertainment,,Hockey is back, and more colorful than ever in this game of heroes VS villains street hockey. Chicago Bane came all the way to Toronto to end the NHL lockout, take hockey from the corrupt, and give it back to you (the people). Playing for the heroes: Toronto Batman, Spider-Man, Rogue, Gambit, and Toronto Maple Leafs Iron Man. Playing for the villains: Chicago Bane with Toronto's Joker, Mystique, Catwoman, and Deadpool. With Comissioner Gordon as the referee (http://facebook.com/TorontoGordon) a Sean Ward film TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR HOCKEY! + Camera and editing by Calwyn Shurgold - http://youtube.com/TheShurgoldShow Chicago Bane appears courtesy of Make 'Em Laugh Films - http://youtube.com/makeemlaughfilms + https://www.facebook.com/ChicagoBane Hang out with Toronto Batman on his Facebook page - http://facebook.com/TorontoBatman + SUBSCRIBE for more awesome superhero parody videos. SHARE this video to celebrate the return of the NHL! + Buy t-shirts at http://districtlines.com/TheSeanWardShow
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