Как можно глупо умереть в Battlefield 3?,Games,,Не синхронный распиздяйский перевод социальной рекламы Группа Вконтакте http://vk.com/big4club Если хотите помочь каналу финансами вот номер WebMoney R422017211286 Dumb Ways to Die - Глупые способы умереть (рус) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsPKssJkxQE Battlefield 3 - RendeZook http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOaGhE_sejI&feature=g-hist Battlefield 3 - Jet Swap http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrOIgxQ--Tc&feature=g-hist BF3 DICE, y u h8 me?! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZPz_ELae5g&feature=g-hist Battlefield 3 Bannana peel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sl5SgxWFHHk&feature=g-hist English translation: How stupid can die in Battlefield 3? Stop the jeep on the edge of the cliff And to extract the sniper rifle just under a jeep wait a while... Yes it is stupid dead! This is really stupid death :) Join us and die stupid in Battlfield 3! When you're behind enemy lines stupid kill teammates He wanted to use the defibrillator in water But his electric shock use of a defibrillator in water worthy of Darwin Awards Join us and die stupid in Battlfield 3! Experienced engineer laid mines on the road But he got bored ... but mine is so much fun ... sizzle Stupid can one die Invent your way Join us and die stupid in Battlfield 3! Here's engineer decided to shoot an RPG at nothing Runs and unsuspecting... He did not know the physics but the missile back Join us and die stupid in Battlfield 3! We are cool, but it is stupid die ... stupid die from simple stone We're playing for a year Batlfild 3... DICE please, fix bugs!
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