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JaGo Комиксы продолжение под катом песочница 
3 глава
Hey Voce...
I'll serve breakfast, do you want to join us?
/ No thanks.
I have abused too much from your hospitality already, I don't want you to think I'm taking V advantage /
JAG081 CO.DEVIANTART.COM,JaGo,Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,продолжение под
Hey Voce... I'll serve breakfast, do you want to join us? / No thanks. I have abused too much from your hospitality already, I don't want you to think I'm taking V advantage / Yeah...sure JAG081 CO.DEVIANTART.COM
JaGo,Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,продолжение под катом,песочница
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RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201313:29 ответить ссылка -0.1
No. I just remember that f something went wrong with the i ritual and then the Sombreron attacked '».me. I think in that moment I passed A out because of the fear.
Are you sure you can want to go to school? You have many wounds ^
How did you do to take that ghost back to the . diary
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201313:29 ответить ссылка -0.2
r Hey, hey, ^ are you leaving without saying goodbye, after all ^that hugging?^
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201313:30 ответить ссылка -0.2
How did you do that?
I never thouqht you had .that kind of abilities... ^
...maybe you don't even need my help to capture the rest of the qhosts„ ^ hehehe ^
^ My strcngtn^ depends on yours., you won't leave me alone, would you’
W...What are you saying... Veronica?
She’s asleep... she...she
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201313:30 ответить ссылка -0.1
Hey, Where do you think you are going? The bell rang to start classes.
Don't bother me. I have something urgent to take care of.
V \
Hey old man, get out wherever' you are, I need to talk to you right now!
So, that was what happened
Tell me...did she say something in particular/
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201313:30 ответить ссылка 0.0
/"Why on earth ol<T''\
'people tend to speok with \ riddles, specially me! I haven't even figured out how, to make my cellphone/ work _________________
^ Hi Voce, what?
Are. you already tired of the f lashbacks and now you are practicing
'	Stupid '
aged ..finally he didn't say \ anything y
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201313:30 ответить ссылка 0.0
Minutes later
here i I mus:
I mean it dude, that isn't normal.
^ Come on, that's BS! ^ Good luck or bad luck doesn't vexist; it's just a series of coincidences.
could you wait outside for a - ,  minute whiL.
You make your own luc..
/ Wow* X ' Sorry dude, we were playing soccer and the ball
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201313:30 ответить ссылка 0.0
Voce, hey Voce, are you here?
Oh, there you or... wait a minute! What are you doing down there?
Coincidences my bottom! It's real, bad luck is reall Wherever I go some disgrace is lurking. I ^already feel like in a Lemony^ Snicket book.
And the worst._ it might be due to the multiple
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201313:30 ответить ссылка 0.0
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201313:31 ответить ссылка 0.0
OU'll »ufltee it
T>o you:else \ i heard? it i.s sat dittoSt’lils' fflwcilu ■V • A » JJSil,	?
Actually it is not what I expected from the famous "bad chicken"
Well, when I finish with him, he will be the famous V'deod chick en"x1
Hey, are you o iAGHHH!
Vocerin you are
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201313:31 ответить ссылка 0.0
What do you mean? What have you done to Vocerin?
welt, well, who would tlun.k that behind that disregarded face this Izid had such a pitiful past.
now that you asle, 141 teil you, what tetnd of would i be If I do*v't do wioKologue truing my
Нитлк beings ttvui to fall easily iv&o
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201313:31 ответить ссылка 0.0
yes!!! what a succuUnt a*d powerful soul. This is not a regular Izid\
Forget it girl, i have already absorbed *uost of his soul, by vu>w his coASciouSKv^ss must be ivumerse i^ the deepest dar'nvMss, even. if he waters up he'll be just Oft empty shell
^That’s ridiculous/^ you better wait
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201313:31 ответить ссылка 0.0
r Foot, did you thittte that corny scene was going to be Helpful?
you toole feather front His hcadi very cUver girl...but it's ^ too late... -*
ikv....Uupossible/^8 i devoured your ^ soul...what...what \zivui k of ►KOktster i are you? _ ^
don't think it ™ wos useless, don't you think?
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201313:31 ответить ссылка 0.0
...one that gives me strength and that has helped me go on.
After that the bad chicken literally beg to go back to the diary
Vocerin.are yoi m. .sorry you hac through this
I'm fine, on't worry
Eh.wcll. it seems that your bod luck has gone
^ Yes!!!
I'm sure that from now on only good things
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201313:31 ответить ссылка 0.0
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JaGo Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы продолжение под катом песочница

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