Контра и реальность / counter strike :: видео (video)

видео counter strike 
Контра и реальность

Контра и реальность,Comedy,,
видео,video,counter strike
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No, I'm not a Goron.

EDIT: First off thanks for all the views and positive comments! Never expected this vid to get this popular, I just recorded it and put it online to show to a few friends really!

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DOOR STUCK! DOOR STUCK!,Comedy,counter-strike,cs,1.6,esea,door,stuck,Me having fun in ESEA. No, I'm not a Goron. EDIT: First off thanks for all the views and positive comments! Never expected this vid to get this popular, I just recorded it and put it online to show to a few friends really!
DAMAGE | A CS:S Frag Movie edited by TUCK,Games,css movie,thehazarcinema,hazardcinema,tuck,Counterstrike,Source,DAMAGE,THE,MOVIE,Take a second to leave a Rating or more if you enjoy it : )
Subscribe to the Editor here: http://www.youtube.com/user/iTuucK

"Hello guys out there,
finally I finished my

видео,video counter strike anon

DAMAGE | A CS:S Frag Movie edited by TUCK,Games,css movie,thehazarcinema,hazardcinema,tuck,Counterstrike,Source,DAMAGE,THE,MOVIE,Take a second to leave a Rating or more if you enjoy it : ) Subscribe to the Editor here: http://www.youtube.com/user/iTuucK "Hello guys out there, finally I finished my
CS:GO - Добрый Ушульмек,Gaming,Waidelotte,Приколы,Угар,CS:GO,Counter-Strike,Монтаж,Контра,КС,нарезка,CS,CSS,cs 1.6,контер страйк,прикол,глобал,Global Offensive,Весело,Юмор,Подборка,Игры,Лучшие моменты,Нож CS GO,CS:GO Ставки,cs бесплатно,cs кейсы,добрый,cs наркоманы,добро,ушульмек,CS:GO - Добрый Ушул

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CS:GO - Добрый Ушульмек,Gaming,Waidelotte,Приколы,Угар,CS:GO,Counter-Strike,Монтаж,Контра,КС,нарезка,CS,CSS,cs 1.6,контер страйк,прикол,глобал,Global Offensive,Весело,Юмор,Подборка,Игры,Лучшие моменты,Нож CS GO,CS:GO Ставки,cs бесплатно,cs кейсы,добрый,cs наркоманы,добро,ушульмек,CS:GO - Добрый Ушул