живность :: Летим Летим :: пёсики

пёсики живность Летим Летим песочница 
пёсики,живность,Летим Летим,песочница

пёсики,живность,Летим Летим,песочница
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□ glumshoe
I don't know how to explain to my dog that I can't make the outside less cold. I can't change the fact that it's winter. She keeps asking to go outside and play catch, but the moment I open the door, she changes her mind and gives me a look that says, "No, not that door. I mean the door

собакен лето зима грусть

□ glumshoe I don't know how to explain to my dog that I can't make the outside less cold. I can't change the fact that it's winter. She keeps asking to go outside and play catch, but the moment I open the door, she changes her mind and gives me a look that says, "No, not that door. I mean the door
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	IL Пфффф...
Я где-то слышал, что наша порода должна жить среди снегов...

хаски,husky, сибирская хаски, сибирский хаски, собака,собакен, песель, пес лето бред комикс

Пфффф... Я где-то слышал, что наша порода должна жить среди снегов... БРЕД!
Summertime Sadness