"Синдерелла" / William Adolphe Bouguereau "Rest in Harvest" (1865)
"Белоснежка" / William Adolphe Bouguereau "At the Edge of the Brook" (1875)
"Персонажи Диснея" / William Waterhouse "A tale from Decameron" (1916)
"Русалочка" / Michael and Inessa Garmash "Precious Moments"
"Синдерелла" / Fausto Carrying "Young Girl Carrying a Pumpkin" (1889)
"Белоснежка" / Henry Meynell Rheam "The Fairy Wood" (1903)
"Тарзан" / John William Waterhouse "The Sorceress" (1911)
"Красавица и Чудовище" / Pierre Auguste Cot "Ophelia" (1870)
"Питер Пэн" / Pierre Auguste Cot "The Storm" (1880)
"Красавица и Чудовище" / Lawrence Alma Tadema "Ask me no more" (1906)
"Синдерелла" / Auguste Toulmouche "Vanity" (1870)
"Спящая Красавица" / Edmund Blair Leighton "The Accolade" (1901)
"Геркулес" / John Simmons "A Midsummer Night's Dream" (1870)
"Красавица и Чудовище" / Gustav Klimt "The Kiss" (1907)
"101 далматинец" / Grant Wood "American Gothic" (1930)
"Красавица и Чудовище" / John William Waterhouse "The Soul of the Rose" (1908)
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