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Telekinetic Coffee Shop Surprise Prank || Promotion for `Carrie´ at 'sNice Cafe in NYC,Entertainment,,What if telekinesis was real? How would you react? Our hidden camera experiment captures the reactions of unsuspecting customers at a New York City coffee shop as they witness a telekinetic event. 'Carrie' Coffee Shop Prank Is Brilliant Marketing (And One Of The Freakiest Things Ever) The patrons at Manhattan coffee shop 'Snice got more than they bargained for in the above video, which appears to show a woman with telekinetic abilities totally freaking the heck out and wreaking havoc in the shop. Of course, it was all staged by the folks behind the remake of classic horror film, "Carrie," Wire rigging, a false wall, a talented stuntman and some convincing actors created a throughly terrifying scene, which -- from the looks of customers' faces -- was remarkably successful. We'll admit it: We knew it was fake from the start, and it still gave us the willies. Video, Carrie, Carrie Movie Prank, Carrie Prank, Carrie Remake, Carrie Remake Prank, Coffee Shop Prank, Snice, Snice Carrie Prank, Snice Coffeeshop Prank, New York News Prank Video Shows How People Would React if Carrie and Her Telekinetic Powers Were Real There is literally nothing funnier than watching someone get scared. You can only win in these situations: If they just jump a little, whatever. Next time. If they scream and fall on the ground and then get up and punch you while yelling, "I hate you! I hate you!" then laugh, your day is made. The key to crafting the perfect scare, though, is that it is (eventually) enjoyable for all. If your unsuspecting scare victim thinks they are actually going to be murdered, because, say, you, a stranger, chases them around the streets at night with a chainsaw, that is mean. This video, "Telekinetic Coffee Shop Surprise,". "What if telekinesis was real? How would you react?" the video's description asks. "Our hidden camera experiment captures the reactions of unsuspecting customers at a New York City coffee shop as they witness a telekinetic event." WEIGH IN: Would you walk through a haunted house completely naked?! "Hidden camera experiment" is just a long-winded way of saying prank There's a fake wall and remote control tables and real Hollywood stunts. Full disclosure: That's because it's a viral promotion for Carrie, the upcoming horror remake starring Chloë Grace Moretz and Julianne Moore, set to hit theaters Oct. 18. But none of the scares here are cheapened by it being an ad. New promo for 'Carrie' scares real coffee shop customers by faking a girl with telekinetic powers The marketing team behind the new remake of the horror movie Carrie scared customers in a coffee shop when they used special effects and actors to create a freaky supernatural scene. The promo was set up in a coffee shop in New York. When an actor spilled coffee on a Carrie look-alike (also an actor), she pushed him up a wall, made chairs and tables move without touching them and caused books and pictures to fly off the wall. The reactions of unsuspecting customers included screaming, staring in disbelief and running the other way. the Carrie was able to fake her telekinetic powers with wire rigging, remote controls and a false wall. Carrie was originally written as a novel by Stephen King, published in 1974. It follows a high school girl who discovers telekinetic powers, according to StephenKing.com. The new movie will be in theaters Oct. 18. Nueva York: clientes de una 'cafetería paranormal' se llevaron gran susto Los comensales se quedaron pasmados al ver a una mujer con habilidades de telequinesia. Se trató de una broma organizada para promocionar "Carrie" Imagina que vas a una cafetería y te encuentras con hechos paranormales causados por una cliente, ¿cómo reaccionarías? "Oh, Dios mío" fueron las palabras que atinaron a expresar varios comensales al encontrarse en esa situación en el 'Snice Manhattan', en Nueva York, Estados Unidos. Ellos fueron sorprendidos por una broma organizada de poderes telequinésicos. La chica computadora portátil mesa otro cliente, con un golpe accidental, hace que derrame su vaso café. muestra 'poderes estrella sujeto contra pared. desplaza las mesas sillas estirar sus brazos abrir manos. escena generó miedo. 'Carrie' Viral Video Trick Telekinetic Girl Scaring. Scares Patrons Telekinetic. Telekinesis Prank Scares the Crap Out of Unsuspecting Caffeine Junkies.Prank On NYC Patrons! Customers freak out as Carrie goes nuts in a coffee shop broma, mesas se desplazan control remoto, pared, ordenadores, telequinesis, telequinesia. anuncio, comercial, advertisement, commercial, announcement, campaign, campaña, spot. Sony Pictures. official. original. joke. hoax. promotional. hell. terrifying. beans "You know what, just get away from me!" #flexlikecarrie التحريك البعادي؛ التحريك مقهى مفاجأة المزحة - الترويجي لل`كاري '. Кафе Сюрприз Шутки - Промо для `Кэрри" телекинез. Télékinétique
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ldld ldld 10.10.201311:14 ответить ссылка 0.0
причем лютый!
Охуенный, лютый боян, которому 2 дня, вы что несете вообще?
они из будущего наверн..
vassabi vassabi 10.10.201312:09 ответить ссылка -0.2
было бы круто, но более вероятно,что это два школьника,которые думают, что боян - это плохой пост.
Gohan Gohan 10.10.201312:41 ответить ссылка -0.1
Зато эти "школьники" не слоупоки, в отличие от тебя
ldld ldld 10.10.201312:46 ответить ссылка 0.0
я тип слоупок, потому что не сижу целыми днями на ютюбе и не выискиваю видосы всякие... Ок тогда чувак, ты самый крутой и только небо твой предел
Gohan Gohan 10.10.201322:51 ответить ссылка -0.1
Кто тебе сказал что я сижу я на ютупе и выискиваю видосы всякие? Просто достаточно посещать не только фкантактики и джой.
ldld ldld 11.10.201308:22 ответить ссылка 0.0
Gohan Gohan 12.10.201312:26 ответить ссылка 0.0
ldld ldld 10.10.201312:49 ответить ссылка 0.0
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A DRAMATIC SURPRISE ON A QUIET 일본 공룡몰카 2,Entertainment,,私は韓国人であり、その映像は、日本のTVです。





I am a Korean, the video is a TV in Japan.
Why did you upload this video, we'll let

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일본 공룡몰카 2,Entertainment,,私は韓国人であり、その映像は、日本のTVです。 このビデオをアップロードした理由は、日本の芸能の楽しさと素晴らしさを知ってもらおうしました。 日本文化、特に芸能が好きです。 日本のTV最高です。 日本のコメディアン最高です。 翻訳なので、言葉が変です。 誤解持っていないたらと思います。 また、この映像に出演したジャングルポケット斉藤様に失礼になったらお詫び申し上げます。 I am a Korean, the video is a TV in Japan. Why did you upload this video, we'll let