KHARAK ASTEROID BELT IWNEFiSŸSTEM OUTER SYSTEM P The Kharakian solar system is comprised of se / :: Sci-Fi :: Homeworld :: красивые картинки :: Sci-Fi :: Homeworld :: art :: fandoms :: art (арт) :: фэндомы

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The Kharakian solar system is comprised of seven planets orbiting a G2 class star. The system is approximately 6.7 million years old, supporting no sentient life other than the Hiigaran exiles sent here by the Imperials who defeated
KHARAK ASTEROID BELT IWNEFiSŸSTEM OUTER SYSTEM P The Kharakian solar system is comprised of seven planets orbiting a G2 class star. The system is approximately 6.7 million years old, supporting no sentient life other than the Hiigaran exiles sent here by the Imperials who defeated them. The Kharak system was first visited (according to known records], buy a Bentusi interstellar space probe, which gave a quick scan of the system before moving on to the next (It is known in Bentusi Records as C-47D879- under the C section category for systems habitable only with significant support). The Kharak system was not visited again until an Imperial survey ship (Records dispute this as either the ISV Aoh-lshada or the Imadae) passed through the system on a mineralogical survey. They concluded that the inner planets and Kharak contained few rare resources that could be located elsewhere, while the Gas giants held only few traces of the precious OIX-49 compound, which was the objective of the survey mission to this system. The finds were categorized in the Imperial index and forgotten as the survey vessel moved to the next system. The report was received by the Galactic Survey Council, as the ship itself disappeared while investigating more rimward systems. When the Galactic Council demanded that the Hiigarans be exiled, rather than destroyed. Kharak was (along with 6,892 other candidate solar systems) considered as a place to dispatch the survivors. Of the 197 vessels. 36 of them were directed to Kharak. where presumably most of them made landfall (though only the Khar-Toba was uncovered by the time of Kharak's destruction). Kharak fell within the acceptable limits” of a system that provided enough material and livable conditions to sustain the exiles, yet not supply them with resources with which to regain their posture and possibly mount a counterattack. The Exiles were forgotten about once they were dispatched, monitored only by an ancient Imperial satellite deployed unknowingly by the exiles when the caravan reached its destination. After higher-power radio signals were intercepted by the monitoring satellite, an Imperial border patrol fleet was dispatched to Kharak to investigate. After several months of examining the data, they reported to command and were immediately ordered to destroy the system. With pirate support, the Imperials completed thier task and obliterated the exile's home planet. Nearly a month later, the fleet and its freelance detachment of Turanic raiders went missing. Not much information was given about the Kharak solar system, and all the data here (other than information about Kharak itself] is conjecture on the part of the author, based on study of the first three loading screens of the original Homeworld. OORT CLOUD Kharak's approximate location in relation to Hiicjara and the galactic arms. Also charted a the actual path of the mothership en-route to Hiigara KHARAK The planet Kharak was home to refugees of the Hiigaran Exodus for nearly 3.000 years. Known as the exiles, the suivwors of the Khar-Toa and other exodus ships managed to create a living in the inhospitable desert-world, eventually discovering their heritage and returning to tfie stars IAEDA The closest planetary body to die Kharak system's sun, laeda is an airless rocky body with extreme temperature on either end of the planet Only the pule regions of the planet are considered to have safe' territory for exploratory ventures. Unfortunately, laeda was never explored, due to its proximity to Kharak's sun and the inability (at the time) for the Kharakiun people to traverse lung distances. □CUM CDS Donos is named after the forge where Sajuuk was said to have created the world. Donos was the first planet confirmed in the Kharakian heavens, and was first believed to be the anvil, which Sajuuk created Kharak 3 is named after the Kharakian deity of decep-as it was only witnessed by astronomers in the early half of the thirteenth century More remote probes explored Donos from Kharak than any other planetary body in tlie system. At least three different Kiithid had assaulted Donos with independent probes until the discovery of the guide-stone unified the people. Donos was principally observed as a great rock m space, but holding a higher mineral wealth than what could have been discovered on Kharak. After the Mothership had been successfully launched, plans were in motion to send a mission to Donos using hyperspace engines to replenish the mineral resources from Kharak that L A Khurak (at the torne of the exile departure), is approximately 6.7 billion years old and is nearing the end of its geological activity. Most major terrain features have been weathered away by harsh sunlight, leaving behind only a great sea to the south and temperate regions in the north and south. All other places are inhospitable to humanoid life. Until the Kushan genocide, the maximum population was approximately 300 million on Kharak ARAHDAH The largest gas-giant body of the Kharakian system. Arahdah is largely responsible for Kharak's habitability. Exerting tremendous gravitational forces. Arahdah and its sister gas giant, Ehan, managed Go influence the path of many interplanetary debris in the system and keep the inner regions safe from impacts by dangerous meteorites. Arahdah was probed three times in its history. The latest of these was a daring venture by the Kharaki-an3 to harvest some of Arahdah's helium and other important gasses in bulk that did not exist on Kharak. The three vessels. Inah-beh, Orionuk. and AsharvOeih, managed to reach Arahdah safely, but only the Inah-beh managed to return to Kharak on time, while the Orionuk was destroyed en-route back to Kharak. The Ashan-Deih. to this day. is still listed as missing. Ocher missions to Arahdah would have continued to finish the fitting of the mothership had Kharak not been destroyed by the Imperial task force L A IAE0A DONOS KHARAK PLANETARY SCALES © EHAIM Ehan is the second gas giant of the Kharakian system, and mostly comprised of Helium, bke Arahdah. it exerts a powerful gravitational field on the Kharakian system and influences many of the inter-stellar debris orbiting loose in the system. Unlike Arahdah. however. Ehan exerts an unusual magnetic field that has perplexed Kharakian scientists for millennia. Until 1194. concern was raised that Ehan's magnetic field might interfere with the Motherships hyperspace jump from the system. Subsequent test with small probes revealed that Hyperspace engines didn't seem Go be affected by Ehan's magnetic field and bests continued Ehan has one satellite, Dieos, which is comprised mostly of iron rock. TALAS Named after a remote daemon in Gatessei mythology. Talas was discovered in 932. and because of its erratic planetary rotation it was thought to be an alien spacecraft before being disproved by Aeam Sjet in 1037. NYSSA The outermost planet of the Kharakian system. Nyssa is comprised almost entirely of an icy shell formed around a dense rocky core. There is no chance for life or tectonic activity on a rock this distant Talas's surface is inhospitable to humanoid life, yet contains high concentrabons of iron oxides and unusual gasses in its atmosphere. Some Sjet scientists think that the spectrograph returns from Talas suggest that there may have been a catastrophe explosion on Talas of alien origin- perhaps a ship unlike the Khar-Toba- crashing on the surface and sending up huge quantities of rare elements not found native on Talas. Nyssa was never investigated by the Kharakjans. It was visited once by the "Millenium 1.5* probe that was to become a landmark achievement for the Kharakian space program Unfortunately, the probe was still en-route when Kharak was destroyed. The Millenium 1.5 probe, presumably, still orbits Nyssa. transmitting scientific data that nobody remains to receive After the departure of the muthership. Kharak was bombarded by Imperial atmospheric depravation rockets. Kharak has since become airless and inhospitable- a virtual tomb world that stands in effigy of Riesstiu Imperial mandates. Talas was never explored except by the Millenium 1.5 probe, which sent images back to Kharak of its surface shortly before Kharak was destroyed MAP CONCEPTED BY MICHAEL R. PTAK (NORSEHOUND@COMCAST.NET) KHARAK IMAGE RENDER CREATED BY TEFARI (TEFARI@HOTMAIL.COM) BASED ON THE HOMEWORLD UNIVERSE CREATED BY RELIC ENTERTAINMENT Г
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