Drawing on tinted paper: Eye
by acjub
by acjub
DRAWING ON TINTED PAPER In this "tutorial" I'll show you how I’ve drawn this eye on a brown paper. List of materials: Brown paper (textured) Faber Castell Polychromos coloured pencils Graphite pencil Erasers: normal, electric and blu tack. Blending: cotton swabs and paper tissue Black pen and a white gel pen. Now this is just what i use, you can use many other things. Start by sketching out your eye. I am drawing all this from a reference image. Try to keep it as light as possible. Because the paper is coloured we need to focus on light colours. Here I’m using a light grey colour. We dont want to use white, here that is for the highlights.. Always blend, that gives a smooth finish,. When you do the iris, try using many different colours. If you do a green eye, try to add some blues and browns. Start light and work in the colours and details. I’ve used a black sharpie to-getthe black to stand out more. Just remember: this is permanent. 0_o Use reds, pinks and flesh colours in the whites " of the eye, and around. It’s never really white: Dont be afraid to use colours like blues and greens for shadows.. Black is not a natural shadow colour. Adding veins in the eyes makes it look so much more realistic. Look at the reference. Time for highlights! Here I’ve used a white coloured pencil. Go over the highlights with-a white gel pen to make it really pop! Draw the skin around the eye. Use different colours, not just skin colours. • , . I forgot to take more pictures after this step But here is a little tip on Joshes! When you draw lashes; follow the shape of the eye. Lashes are not tidy, they go in different directions I hope some of this made sense This is just how I’ve done it, there are tons of techniques. Good luck! -. * -Hi there.
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