Kicked in the head by a train driver!,Games,,Kid was kicked in the head by a Train Driver as he was taking a video. He tried to take a selfie while a train passed a "safe" distance behind. I guess he was still too close and got kicked in the head! ➜ Playlist Of All My Uploads! -http://goo.gl/43GfZb ➜ Subscribe To ME! - http://goo.gl/iIzQyT ➜ Google PLUS! - http://goo.gl/JpwxNR ➜ Follow Me On Twitter: http://goo.gl/RN8y7E ➜ Like Me On Facebook : http://goo.gl/N1KmfA Thanks for watching guys!
Kicked in the head by a train driver! Чудом остался жив,песочница
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