CGI Animated Short Film HD: "The Guardians Tale" - A film by Studio Steve,Film,,Check out this fantastic CGI animated short film by the talented team at Studio Steve! On a lonely alien planet shrouded in mystery, an ominous beast guards a powerful treasure. One day he receives an unexpected guest - A seemingly innocent girl crash lands on his world. The two will forge an unusual friendship, and teach one another that looks can indeed be deceiving. A film by Studio Steve. Co-Directed by Gordy Higgins, Ryan Zujic and Christoffer Klungerbo. Narrated by Adam Behr. Music and sound by Martin Alternes and Stian Obehi Ihasee. Website: www.theguardianstale.com Facebook - www.facebook.com/theguardianstale Our graduate film from Queensland College of Art's BA of Animation, 2012.
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