Hello, I'am a Bluescreen. Today i have a Information Funktion only. If you respect your SY / день системного администратора

день системного администратора 

I'am a Bluescreen. Today i have a Information Funktion only. If you respect your SYSADMIN and there is a Problem with your System you should do one of the following steps:

*	First search your Sysadmin, shake his Hands, give a Hug and DON'T forget the Presents

*	do not call the
Hello, I'am a Bluescreen. Today i have a Information Funktion only. If you respect your SYSADMIN and there is a Problem with your System you should do one of the following steps: * First search your Sysadmin, shake his Hands, give a Hug and DON'T forget the Presents * do not call the technical Support, they could already be drunk * no one will respond to your calling if you try to call us - ask your neighbor but do not expect a professional and objective response Technical Information: STOP: Ox2010A (0x00000000, 0xD30M07Y2010) human .dll detects a Problem at brain. sys - fatal system crash
день системного администратора
Комментарии 6 29.07.201102:12 ссылка 32.3
Nishka Nishka 29.07.201106:40 ответить ссылка 0.0
всех камрадов-одминов - поздравляэ!
nst000 nst000 29.07.201116:44 ответить ссылка 0.0
Английский вариант круче ) Но по мне "текст в окнах" веселее))
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