Paperboy 3: The Hard Way,Games,,PAPERBOY is back... with a VENGEANCE!! Gaming meets Grindhouse... / трэш :: YouTube :: paperboy :: видео (video)

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Paperboy 3: The Hard Way,Games,,PAPERBOY is back... with a VENGEANCE!! Gaming meets Grindhouse... direct to VHS!! (You should probably watch this in HD full-screen.) ----------- CAST ----------- Paperboy - Newt Wallen Papergirl - Kristy Richman Editor in Chief - Kevin Riordan Secretary - Jo Pincushion Dust Devil (El Diablo Tornado) - Lamar Bumbrey Recumbent Bike Thug - Harold Fuimaono Old Woman Thug - Jarrett Courtney Priest - Tony DeBartolis Motorcycle Thug #1 - Mario Melillo Motorcycle Thug #2 - Crystal Quin Grim Reaper - Will Rivera Skateboard Thug - Kieran Fallon Hoop Thug - Isaac Williams Manhole Thug - Boz Fenimore Jackhammer Thug - Justin Silverman Breakdancing Thug - Will Rivera Dog - Bella Patterson Dog Thug - Frank Patterson Paperboy (Car) - Nick Ciquero Paperboy (Gas) - William Scott Bey Paperboy (Dog) - Justin Haller Paperboy (Bike) - Justin Haller ----------- CREW ----------- Directed by Isaac Williams Edited by Justin Silverman Written by Newt Wallen & Justin Silverman Filmed by Isaac Williams & Kieran Fallon Original Music by Protector-101 Sound Mixing & Foley by the Auralnauts Boom Mic Operated by Will Rivera Locations Manged by Newt Wallen Digital Effects by Kial Natale VHS Transfer by Kieran Fallon Custom Props & Weapons by Tony DeBartolis Make Up by Steve Mezo & Jackie Mezo Diablo Body Paint by Jarrett Courtney Newspaper Design by Justin Silverman Bucket Truck Operated by Justin Chudoff Shotgun Owned & Fired by Steve Makowski Motorcycle Provided by Boz Fenimore Luchador Masks Provided by Ian Vaflor Special Thanks to Andy Pritikin ----------- SUPER FUN LINKS ----------- Paperboy 3 Music Album for Download Protector-101 (1980s Synth Music For the Modern Day) Auralnauts (Reinterpreting Movies Using Audio Sorcery) YouMightLikeThisShow (Cable Access Variety Show) MegaSteakMan (Cinematic Sketch Comedy) Newspaper Article About Filming This Video THE MOST HATED SHOW ON THE INTERNET SUBSCRIBBE FAKEBOOK TWATTER T-SHITS SKYPE SilvermaniaShow ----------- QUESTIONS ----------- Q - Why no romance scene with Paperboy & Papergirl? A - Romance is implied, they hold hands at the graves. Q - Why wasn't Papergirl half-naked? Or fully naked? A - Because that's too cliche and gross, you pervert-creeper. Q - Where did you film this? A - The suburbs of New Jersey and a summer camp. Q - When did you film it and how long did it take? A - Summer, 2013. It took six days to film, four weeks to edit. Q - What was your budget? A - Nothing.... but we spent about $500 out of pocket. Q - What programs did you use to create this? A - Adobe CS6. Premiere Pro, Photoshop, After Effects. Q - What cameras did you film this with? A - Sony HXR-NX30U (Full HD) and Sony HVR-Z1U (Mini DV). Q - Why did you make this? A - Out of spite. We hate parody video game movie trailers. Q - Why do you hate them? A - Their overuse of digital effects and lazy scripts. Q - Did you use digital effects? A - Yes, but it only enhances what we filmed practically. Q - How did you do the VHS effect? A - We actually transferred it to VHS, then recaptured it. Q - Is there a clean (non-VHS) version of Paperboy 3? A - Yes, but it wasn't really our vision and will rot on our hard-drive. Q - What do you mean by "lazy scripts?" A - Most channels just plop game characters into popular films. Q - Is your script original? A - Yes, it's a 50/50 split between the game and revenge-film genre. Q - Revenge genre? What movies did you base the script on? A - Death Wish, Rolling Thunder, They Call Her One Eye, Vigilante. Q - Why isn't the script about Mario or Call of Duty or something? A - The original Paperboy growing up to get revenge made sense. Q - Where did you get the idea for all of the bad guys? A - Every thug you see is an enemy from Paperboy on the NES. Q - What's the deal with El Diablo Tornado? A - We anthropomorphized the tiny tornado into a Luchador. Q - Did you only draw from the NES version of the game? A - Mostly... Papergirl is from Paperboy 2... whatever. Q - What about the arcade game? A - It isn't as popular and the enemies are harder to emulate. Q - Is this suppose to be direct sequel to Paperboy 2? A - No, it's more like the third installment of a live action trilogy. Q - Is this for the Midnight Show movie Newt is making? A - No, but we used a lot of people who worked on Midnight Show. Q - Will Silvermania be making more videos like this? A - Probably not. This isn't really our style, but it was fun. THANKS FOR WATCHING, PLEASE SHARE!!
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