MONSTERS OF THE COSMOS - Symphony of Science,Tech,,mp3: http://melodysheep.bandcamp.com Symphony of Science returns! Morgan Freeman and a choir of scientists sing to you about the science and freakiness of black holes. Video sources: NOVA - Mystery of the Milky Way Through The Wormhole: The Riddle of Black Holes Who's Afraid of a Big Black Hole (BBC) Swallowed by a Black Hole (BBC) music and editing by melodysheep @musicalscience symphonyofscience.com youtube.com/melodysheep Lyrics: There are monsters out in the cosmos That can swallow entire stars Inside these equations, there's a monster Anything that strays too close will be pulled in Gravity is infinite at the center of black hole Time stops - space makes no sense Every galaxy has got one big black hole in the middle And millions of smaller black holes An anomaly of gravity so strange Nothing is more seductive There are monsters out in the cosmos That can swallow entire stars That can destroy space itself Completely invisible Anything that strays too close will be pulled in In the last century, black holes have gone from being mathematical curiosities To real objects in the cosmos Seemingly crucial to the formation of galaxies Nothing can escape it, even light There must be millions and millions of black holes Zipping around our galaxy, nothing there to light them up At the heart of a large black hole is a singularity It's a point of inifinite density The accepted laws of physics break down Black holes form when giant stars run out of fuel And collapse under their own weight Dark remnants of burned out stars Truth is stranger than sci-fi (refrain) Nothing is bigger and scarier than a black hole A boundary between the known universe And a place beyond the reach of science
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