Варнинг: матюки на басурманском и немного кровушки.
Профессор университета Западного Кентуки Джон Элл проводил климатические исследования в Непале. Случайно наебнулся в расселину в леднике, сломал руку, пяток ребрышек и вывихнул плечо.
"На то, чтобы выбраться, у меня ушло около пяти часов..."
"Я знал, что если упаду, пока пытаюсь вылезти уже пять часов, то рухну в на самое дно расселины. Любая ошибка, и я бы умер"
Himlung Crevasse Fall 01,Comedy,,Get the entire crevasse story and background on the Mt. Everest avalanche with our new video at: http://youtu.be/NV45UD-NxcU This was immediately after I fell. I saw what I needed to do in order to live and it wasn't easy. http://youtu.be/vlQFvAi8zdo
Himlung Crevasse Fall 02,Comedy,,After climbing for about 35 minutes, I wasn't much closer and kept having to climb to my right in order to find terrain I could climb in my shattered condition.
Himlung Crevasse Fall 03,Comedy,,Get the entire story on our new complete video: http://youtu.be/NV45UD-NxcU After another hour and a half, I was getting closer and knew it was possible but was also so damn tired. Hope brings frustration sometimes.
Himlung Crevasse Fall 04,Comedy,,Get the whole story on our new video: http://youtu.be/NV45UD-NxcU Another 30 minute of climbing and traversing trying to get out and I am nearly there. I knew I could do it, but is still took another chunk of time to escape. I was damn lucky.
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