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Мой подсознательный страх полета на ЛА с деревянным пропеллером, стал реальностью для мужика.....
Мой подсознательный страх полета на ЛА с деревянным пропеллером, стал реальностью для мужика.....
Rans S-10 Pilot loses prop makes a dead stick landing,Film & Animation,iMovie,airplane accidents,airplane crashes,This video is about Rans S-10 To use this video in a commercial player or in a broadcast, please contact licensing@storyful.com' https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6-4AfsTtVrKT5ZMbV2TC0kBMmvE8C9WA https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6-4AfsTtVrIK2K2CRhcFYXS87KKqOz7O I want to thank all of you who have made comments and I want to apologize ahead of time for not answering them. I hope that posting this in the public section everyone will be able to view it and answer most of the common questions that I receive. This is a Rans S-10 LSA airplane that I built about 5 years ago. It took 650 hours to build and it has a Rotax 582. It was the first time I built an airplane and hopefully the last. The most common questions that I get is what the noise or vibration is in the video, why do I keep advancing the throttle, why didn’t I remove the airplane form the runaway and lastly why did the propellar come off. The vibration is simply the GoPro vibration against the canopy which has a round shape and I couldn’t find the exact GoPro mount to affix to the canopy so that sound is not really heard in the cockpit like you can hear it on the video. Yes, on the bottom right door near the latch you can see a small flapping of the Lexan but that doesnt make any sound what so ever. I kept advancing the throttle because the GoPro records at 30 frames per second and the propeller is moving so fast that the eye can’t see it when at cruise speed. So, when the prop fell off I thought I had another/different issue than a missing propellar. Why did I keep the airplane on the runway? I glided into B16 or Whiteford's airport in central NY. It’s a relatively small airport with a hard top and parallel grass strip. I had a radio and called an emergency and there was a parachute/jumping company there who helped me roll it back to the tarmac. There is little to no traffic at that airport and in less than 5 minutes I was moving the airplane. The actual video is almost an hour and you can see that video if you search for video (I’m looking for the full length and will post it here). Finally, why? First off it was pilot error or the mechanics error which was me. The guidelines for mounting a new prop is torque every hour of operation for the ensuing 5 hours (5 torques). However, after the 3rd hour there wasn’t any more torque that was needed. However, seeing that I didn’t know the correct torque procedure might have had some reason as to why it fell off. I was told that the proper way to torque is to back off the nut then retorque, but I wasn’t aware of that. Secondly, and this may not play too much into this, but the propeller was a new wooden propeller more specifically a left hand that aren’t in stock very often and was made 2 weeks before I bought it. Wooded propellers are lamented layers of wood that are kiln dried to reduce or remove moisture in the wood (So I have been told). I hangered my airplane in an open “T” hangar and the propeller faced the south while hangered and when the sun set it would just heat the propeller and there are some who think that may have shrunk the propeller just enough so that the six 5/16 bolts were ever so slightly loose. With all of that said the bolts that mounted the propeller (with a crush plate) to the flange. There are English size threads and metric size threads. I was using the smaller bolts that I had installed and uninstalled many times (the exact number I’m not sure but more that 10 times). I should have just bought the 8mm bolts and used those instead which of course I did when I bought the Warp drive propeller. I hope that I have answered most of the common questions I get. I’m truly grateful for all the comments and views that I get from you all. I have over 1,500 other videos from my Taylor craft BC12-D and my Cessna 140A. Please give them a look when you get time.
аварийная посадка,авария самолета,пилот,пилотаж,планер,легкий самолет,стальные яйца,опасные моменты,пропеллер,видео,video,экстренная посадка,посадка
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