The Melanie Iglesias Flip Book: Part 2,People,Melanie Iglesias,Lisa Ramos,Flip Book,Stop Motion,Maxim Magazine,Hometown Hotties,Champion,Winner,Maxim Hometown Hotties Winner,2010,Michael Creagh,Photography,model,girl,World's Most Beautiful,vlog,bikini,video,dubstep,Grand Staff,sexy,Kaleb Rollins Music,hot,hottie,funny,sxephil,phillyd,Phillip DeFranco show,Stuff Phil Likes,part 2,changing clothes,lingerie,superman,Los Angeles Lakers,brunette,best friends,hotties,modeling,New York City,Manhattan,NYC,http://www.MelanieIglesias.com The Melanie Iglesias Flip Book: Part 2 is a stop motion video made up of over 2,000 photos starring Melanie Iglesias, featuring her best friend model Lisa Ramos. Photographed by Michael Creagh in New York City, Melanie decided to release a sequel due to the demand and attention received from her original flip book which can be viewed here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HNYeyjd5z0 Melanie is currently working on a television show premiering in November 2011 on MTV2. Be sure to subscribe for updates on Melanie's career including an 8 page spread in a very special edition of Maxim Magazine. You can also see more of Melanie in the current/first issue of "World's Most Beautiful" 3-D magazine, photographed by Nick Saglimbeni. www.Worldsmostbeautiful.com Follow Melanie on Facebook: http://Facebook.com/MelanieIglesiasFans Follow Melanie on Twitter: http://twitter.com/melanieiglesias - @melanieiglesias Follow Lisa Ramos on Twitter: http://twitter.com/LisaaRamos -- @lisaaramos Facebook.com/LisaRamosFans Photographer info: Website: http://michaelcreagh.net Blog: http://michaelcreagh.me Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MichaelCreaghPhotography http://twitter.com/Michael_Creagh -- @Michael_Creagh Music produced by Grand Staff Song: "Party til' 9am" http://www.grandstaff.bandcamp.com Melanie Iglesias, Lisa Ramos, Flip Book, models
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