Вчера глянул фильмец. Нахожусь по сейчас в легком шоке. Рил события. Анон помоги нарыть инфо про сей случай.
"MEGAN IS MISSING is a powerful, important film that deserves both attention and discussion. It should serve as a wake-up call for parents everywhere." -Marc Klaas, KlaasKids Foundation Megan and Amy are best friends. They share secrets. They chat with guys online. And in a few days, they will never be seen again. TRIO PICTURES ¡rasas MEGAN IS MISSING AMBER PERKINS RACHEL QUINN DEAN WAITE «thJAELSTEINMEYER KARAWANG RUDYGALVAN LAUREN LEAH MITCHELL wieI SHERRIE HENDERSON “rs MICHAEL GOI № KEITH EISBERG«JOSHUA HARRISON MELANIE HARRISON ::::'tMARK6RAGNANI M MICHAEL GOI WWWMEGANISMISSING.COM
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"The script is entirely based on real occurrences. I chose seven cases to cull details from; five of the cases dealt with abducted and murdered children, and two dealt specifically with internet predators. There is not a single incident in the film that I made up entirely out of thin air"
Если не знаком с буржуйским краткий перевод:
"Фильм основан не на одном случае, а на собирательном образе из семи. Пяти случаев потерянных и убитых детей, и два случая с интернет маньяками."
ps: И последние кадры фильма - тоже фейк, отснятый на студии а вовсе не материал копов..