Год с лишним ожидания стоил того
End of the Line [SFM],Film,,Is it the End of the Line for the RED team? Team Fortress 2 Update - http://www.teamfortress.com/endoftheline/ Credits - http://www.teamfortress.com/endoftheline/credits/ Please support the artists and musicians! Poster - http://www.welovefine.com/8720-end-of-the-line-movie.html Shirt - http://www.welovefine.com/8719-end-of-the-line-movie.html Music - https://itunes.apple.com/album/end-of-the-line-soundtrack/id948481779 https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Lars_Erik_Fj%C3%B8sne_Arslan_Qureshi_Mike_Hillard_End_O?id=Bqm6hct263t4ywslu2b7xc7xama Thanks so much to those involved in the project and to all who have supported us during this long ride. If you have any questions regarding the video, technical or otherwise. Let us know in the comments below and I may make a video with the team covering some of them in SFM.
Team Fortress 2,Team Fortress,Игры,SFM,Source Filmmaker,source filmmaker,source filmmaker,end of the line,Игровое видео
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Вот что запилили :3
Теперь Conga Fortress 2 превратился в Duck Fortress 2.
В апдейте только оружие, насмешкаи утенок, который стоит 260р
Вот твой гейб :3
я нормально переношу мат, но мне не нравится необоснованная критика.