УМЕНЯ.БЛЯТЬ ВЫБОР ЕСТЬ?! ^rr*are: DKN^I rtm, lv/ЪУф Pvo,M. 1одИ?1пф IT ftetch"", ЮДОгф fie*««S. end Nyrwxt»-*) (the S**v*e) and the Network Ccreote*** xttwere (the “Softwssie* «and together »**h the Service, "the Prodxti“) covered by use, ассея с* on order by you OxreafUr, "You'cr "Your-) r</<r<ncrtg ttw feet* «r*j *c«c*ed t»y IMJ. BYSWW*3,USW3AWCFTHEPft<X4>CTSCft OTHEÄWI5C WOKAT1NG Y<Xft ACCEPTANT <* T*5£ TÉPMS, YCO ftlPftEStNT AND WAPPAKT THAT YCO: (I) AP£ ^ Я rç»wmo >TO COf/VM*qfr <HJMA a*-« > Отмену
you don't say,песочница
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