The OceanMaker,animation, Animated, Short Film, Ocean Maker, Lucas Martell, Pigeon Impossible, CG, 3D, Siggraph, Plane, Air Pirate, Mad Max, Pixar, Dreamworks,After the seas have disappeared, a courageous pilot fights against vicious sky pirates for control of the last remaining source of water: the clouds. The bulk of the film was made using nothing but laptops during a 7-week artist retreat on a small caribbean island. Be sure to check out our behind the scenes videos at the bottom of https://vimeo.com/ondemand/oceanmaker
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Особенно грустная оттого, что сжигание кило топлива даёт полкило воды, так что ловля влаги сачками на буксирах - нонсенс, не говоря уже о том - КУДА вся эта вода делась...