Sam | The Short Animated Movie,Film & Animation,sam,short,movie,animation,3d,2d,vray,maya,autodesk,film,student,robot,animated,rewind,france,Animated Cartoon (TV Genre),Autodesk Maya (Software),3D Film (Film Format),3D Modeling (Profession),Short Film (TV Genre),We are proud to introduce you our final year student film, Sam. Sam, a shy young man, finds himself in a slow-motion world. Trying to restore the time, he fails. The circumstances bring him to rescue his coworkers, and Nathalie, the girl he secretly loves. Directed by Payetaprod Studio, a french team composed of Mickael Bonfill, Romain Protet, and Emmanuel Aurengo. Sound by Benoit Malis : https://soundcloud.com/bmch /* ENGLISH SUBTITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN YOUTUBE PLAYER TOOLBAR */ http://mickael-b.com http://emmanuelaurengo.blogspot.com http://facebook.com/PayeTaProdStudio contact : mickael.bonfill@gmail.com aurengoe@yahoo.com protet.romain@hotmail.fr
видео,video,мультик,Sam,остановка времени,офисный планктон,работа,short film,песочница
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