Папа римский выпустил песню из своего будущего рок-альбома
Альбом под названием Wake Up! станет первым в истории рок-альбомом, записанным папой римским.Папа римский Франциск опубликовал новую композицию из своего будущего рок-альбома, сообщает Pitchfork. Баллада Por qué sufren los ninos? войдет в альбом понтифика Wake Up!, который появится в продаже 27 ноября.
Песня Por qué sufren los ninos? («Почему страдают дети?») содержит фрагмент выступления папы Франциска в филиппинском Университете святого Фомы, а также католический гимн Jesu Dulcis Memoria в исполнении итальянской певицы Анны Тосато.
Офицальное видео
Пластинка Wake Up! станет первым в истории рок-альбомом, записанным
папой римским. Средства от продажи пластинки пойдут в фонды помощи
беженцам из зон военных конфликтов.
Франциск — 266-й папа римский, глава Римской католической церкви.
Родился в Аргентине в семье итальянского эмигранта. Первый в истории
понтифик из Нового Света. Избран 13 марта 2013 года. Имеет образование
химика-технолога. В 2014 году Франциск стал первым папой римским,
попавшим на обложку журнала Rolling Stone.
Дело Картмана живет))))
Pope Francis "¿Por Qué Sufren los Niños?" (Official Lyric Video),Music,Pope Francis,Saint Mary,Hail Mary,Madonna,Vatican,Christ,God,Jesus,love,prayer,dialogue,fraternity,church,conversion,praise,humility,Christian,Catholic,apostles,jubilee,mercy,pilgrimage,Padre Pio,St. Francis,Christmas,Nativity,Christmas music,Christian music,2015,official lyrics video,Por Qué Sufren los Niños,Academia Ars Canendi,Compagnia Aquero,Pre-order on iTunes: : https://popefrancis.lnk.to/wakeup Pre-order the CD: https://popefrancis.lnk.to/wakeup-presale Choir: Academia Ars Canendi, Compagnia Aquero An exceptional collection of 11 tracks, ranging from Gregorian to rock, from Latin to Contemporary with eclectic shades, containing antiphons and sacred hymns of the Christian musical tradition, reimagined by contemporary composers and some excerpts of Pope Francis’ speeches directly from Radio Vaticana Sound Archives. The Pontiff, in the Album, addresses universal issues, discussed in his catechesis and encyclicals, such as Peace, Nature, Poverty, Faith, Family... According to the circumstances he finds himself in, Pope Francis pronounces excerpts of his speeches in Italian, Spanish, English and Portuguese. The Album comes with a beautiful 24 pages booklet that includes prayers, lyrics and excerpts of the speeches by the Pontiff. J.M. Bergoglio, Speech During Meeting with Youth at the Sports Field of St. Thomas University in Manila, The Philippines, 18th January 2015 “The great question for everybody is: “Why do children suffer?”. Why do children suffer? Only when our hearts can ask this question and weep, can we begin to understand. There is a worldly compassion which is completely useless. You said something about this. A compassion which, at most, makes us reach into our pocket and take out a coin. If Christ had that kind of compassion, he would have passed by, cured three or four people, and then returned to the Father. Only when Christ wept, and he was capable of weeping, did he understand our troubles. Dear young men and women, our world today needs weeping. The marginalized weep, those who are neglected weep, the scorned weep, but those of us who have relatively comfortable life, we don’t know how to weep. Certain realities of life are seen only with eyes that are cleansed by tears. I ask each one of you to ask: Can I weep? Can I weep when I see a child who is hungry, on drugs and on the street, homeless, abandoned, mistreated or exploited as a slave by society? Or is my weeping the self-centred whining of those who weep because they want to have something else? This is the first thing I would like to say to you. Let’s learn to weep, the way [Glyzelle] taught us today. Let’s not forget this witness. She asked the big question - why do children suffer? - by weeping; and the big answer which we can give, all of us, is to learn how to weep. “
Pope Francis' Prog Rock Single, Titled, "Wake Up! Go! Go! Forward!",People & Blogs,,Media Research Center http://www.mrc.org/
Папа Римский,Pontifex Romanus,религия,рок-музыка,христианский рок
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А вообще неплохо) Не Skillet конечно (а я напомню что они играют вроде как рокеры-христиане, если верить педевикии), но тоже хорошо звучит)
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Францискус нигде не поёт, просто врезали рандомно его проповеди