Star Lord Grooves With Space City Comic Con 2016,Entertainment,Guardians of the Galaxy,Star-Lord,Star Lord,star,lord,guardians,galaxy,running man challenge,Ghost Town DJ's,My Boo,Marvel,Marvel Cinematic Universe,MCU,AVengers,cosplay,cosplays,cosplayer,cosplayers,cosplaying,comic con,comic-con,Space CIty Comic-Con,Houson Comic-Con,Houston Comic Con,dance,dancing,comics,comic book,comic books,Marvel Comics (Organization),Chris Pratt,Peter Quill,gotg,cosplay girl,cosplay girls,Leon Chiro,Nicole Marie Jean,Inspired by the great hero, Kevin Bacon, Star-Lord travels to Space City Comic-Con to do the Running Man Challenge. D-Piddy as Star-Lord https://facebook.com/mercwiththemoves https://twitter.com/_dpiddy https://instagram.com/_dpiddy ---------- Editing: D-Piddy Music: Raisi K - All Night (https://youtube.com/RaisiM1222) SPECIAL THANKS: Space City Comic Con (https://spacecitycomiccon.com) 501st (http://www.501st.com) Bat Krypton Saiyin (https://goo.gl/xA9qNA) Big John (https://goo.gl/fZmG0J) Booker-T Chefasaurusrex (https://goo.gl/3xghHv) Cinder (https://goo.gl/6kSHa4) Dim & Wit (https://goo.gl/MIPUkv | https://goo.gl/nrzoXt) Dirtee Jack https://goo.gl/Kd1iEk) Lacking Normality (https://goo.gl/CqxsvU) Leon Chiro (https://goo.gl/5dUIuP | https://goo.gl/dOR2KG) Lil Deadpool (https://goo.gl/WMl6DN) Lonstermash (https://goo.gl/kAZDy2 | https://goo.gl/Wq3WVW) Nicole Marie Jean (https://goo.gl/7UnuQn | https://goo.gl/ShmeF6) North American Assassin's Creed Guild (https://goo.gl/P5ZhYC) Roxxy Haze (https://youtube.com/iamroxxyhaze) Stryfe The Warrior (https://goo.gl/HQvRPK | https://goo.gl/Lssdr9) Titan Cosplay (https://goo.gl/moRYi4) Toxic Cupcakes (https://goo.gl/FxYv4i)
Star Lord Grooves,Dante,Данте,DMC,Comic Con 2016,YouTube,cosplay,Star Lord Grooves,Dante,Devil May Cry,games,Comic Con 2016,youtube,cosplay
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А вообще обидно DMC зачетная серия была, нахрена было делать конченный перезапуск, для того кому в голову пришла такая идея в аду готов котел
И кстати сами разрабы признали что проект провалили (насколько я знаю).
Хотя я и согласен, что новый Данте ни в какое сравнение не идет с Данте из прошлых игр, но игра все равно получилась очень годной.