tfigfl ад» л ч SUNSET Yes, the sun was going down. But I couldn't resist a few shots of my new favorite rocker girl, Gojl... ► db-spencer.devlantcfrt.com db-spencer.tumblr.com
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GOJIRA & BARACHIEL SUNSET ALLEY Yes, the sun was going down. But I couldn't resist a few shots of my new favorite rocker girl, Goji. Toward the end of the shoot, Gojl's love, Bara decided he couldn't resist either. ;D DB SPENCER db-spencer.devlantart.com db-spencer.tumblr.com
Нг" GOJIRA & BARACHIEL SUNSET ALLEY Yes, the sun was going down. But I couldn't resist a few shots of my new favorite rocker girl, Goji. Toward the end of the shoot, Gojl's love, Bara decided he couldn't resist either. ;D DB db-$pencer.devlanta‘rt.com db-spencer.tumblr.com
SUNSET ■ALLEY Yes, the sun was going down. But I couldn't resist a few shots of my new favorite rocker girl, Goji... DBSPENC6R db-spencer.devlantcfrt.com db-spencer.tumblr.com
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