File : Pic related. □ Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)23:36:13 No. 12828735 One hitler shall henceforth b / 4chan :: збсь :: личное

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□ Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)23:36:13 No. 12828735
One hitler shall henceforth be a unit of measurement equal to 6.0*106 human deaths.
Standard SI prefixes apply. Thus Harold Shipman's achievements amount to 36 microhitlers.
The true utility of the hitler as an SI unit is it
File : Pic related. □ Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)23:36:13 No. 12828735 One hitler shall henceforth be a unit of measurement equal to 6.0*106 human deaths. Standard SI prefixes apply. Thus Harold Shipman's achievements amount to 36 microhitlers. The true utility of the hitler as an SI unit is it allows useful unit conversions. For example: the EPA currently values a human life as being worth 6.9 million us dollars (6.9 megadollars). A simple unit conversion thus gives us 1 hitler is equivalent to -41.400.000.000.000 dollars. (-41 teradollars). It can therefore be quantitatively established whether or not someone is "worse than hitler". When congress failed to pass a stimulus bill in 2008 the market lost 1.2 trillion dollars in 1 day, roughly equivalent to 29 millihitlers. Joseph Stalin is the only human I know of who can be called worse than hitler, as his achievements clocked roughly 5 hitlers. When your bank nails you with a 35 dollar fine, you can confidently tell the teller that they are currently fucking you over to the tune of 84 picohitlers and ask if they have a very tiny auschwitz behind the counter. 1294461317.¡po-(87 KB. 611x404. adolf_hitler_02.jpg) I I Mill I' I "HUPI fill □ Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)23:35:17 No.12828720 Oh god damn it why does this kind of make sense
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П Anonymous 08/15/13(Thu)15:48 No. 17576199 Replies: >>17576239
Я прочитал гайд по чистке оружия в интернете. Там говорилось: "Смажь все движущие части. ВСЕ" На следующий день я прочитал пост в /к/, где говорилось, что не ужно смазывать газовую камеру. Теперь я не знаю правильно ли всё

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П Anonymous 08/15/13(Thu)15:48 No. 17576199 Replies: >>17576239 >>17576190 Я прочитал гайд по чистке оружия в интернете. Там говорилось: "Смажь все движущие части. ВСЕ" На следующий день я прочитал пост в /к/, где говорилось, что не ужно смазывать газовую камеру. Теперь я не знаю правильно ли всё
i Anonymous (ID: mgw8DBTg)Ü!
10/05/23(Thu)15:27:29 No.443435801
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i Anonymous (ID: mgw8DBTg)Ü! 10/05/23(Thu)15:27:29 No.443435801 1696443054983428.jpg 229 KB JPG 'CAUST »443436280 # »443439431 # »443441923 # »443444229 # »443445008 # »443446856 # »443447713# »443449974 # »443451056# »443452465 # »443454298 # »443455971 # »443456349 # »443460421 # »443460828 #
File 1411924096398 png (356 KB. 917x483)
О Anonymous (ID: ЩОМЛ.Ы 11/23/14(Sun}23:11:03 No.581035868 ► >>581036028 >>581036107 >>581036353 >>581036760 >>581036765 >>581037395 >>581037482 »S81037S36 >>581038831 >>581038852 >>581039313 >>581039339
Tough choice
О Anonymous (Ю. TzbEUWz

Saitama OnePunchMan,OPM, One-Punch Man, One Punch Man Anime,Аниме 4chan Saitama onepunchman Anime fandoms 4chan

File 1411924096398 png (356 KB. 917x483) КТО ПОБЕДИТ? О Anonymous (ID: ЩОМЛ.Ы 11/23/14(Sun}23:11:03 No.581035868 ► >>581036028 >>581036107 >>581036353 >>581036760 >>581036765 >>581037395 >>581037482 »S81037S36 >>581038831 >>581038852 >>581039313 >>581039339 Tough choice О Anonymous (Ю. TzbEUWz