cajirfdouin ai The Command Module houses the throe-man Apollo crew: it is the only part of the vehicle to return from lunar missions. The CM was first flown manned on the 11-day Apollo 7 flight In October 1968. The Service Module supports the CM and contains the propulsion engine used for entering and leaving lunar orbit. The SM is jettisoned just before re-entry. Cutaway does not show the modification to the SM to Include the Scientific Instrument Module. It Manned Spacecraft it Command Module: Length 10 It. 7 in.; diameter 12 ft. 10 in.; weight at launch 12.831 lb. (Apollo 15). Service Module: Length 24 ft. 2 in.; diameter 12 ft. 10 in.; weight at launch 54,063 lb. (Apollo 15); engine thrust 20.500 lb. Launch Escape System (not illustrated): Length 33 ft. 10 in.; diameter 26 in. (motor). 4 ft. (base); weight 9,108 lb.; engine thrust 147,OCOIb. Apollo Command and Service Modules (u.s.) 1 Boost protective cover 10 Fuel cells 2 Explosive bolt 11 Helium tank attachments for launch 12 Reaction control system escape tower quadrant 3 Drogue parachutes and 13 Reaction control system mortars engines 4 Couch attenuation struts 14 Roll thrusters 5 Antenna 15 Yaw thrusters 6 Pitch thrusters 16 Aft boost covor 7 Environmental control 17 Pressure cabin system radiation core 18 Parachute recovery 8 Service Module system propulsion engine nozzle 19 Forward access tunnel 9 Propellant tanks R«produe«d from MannedSoanaernft by Kflnnoth Gatlnnd, nubll*hnrt nt £1-15 by Rlnndford Press limited
retro science fiction,#retro sci-fi,разное,Manned Spacecraft,,,Manned Spacecraft
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