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Их надо кормить, поэтому МРТ такая дорогая.
Знатное испытание было бы
Early during Half-Life’s development Valve intended the weapon to be a hypervelocity projectile weapon (as it is referred to by an unused HEV sound clip, saying "Experimental Hyper-velocity Projectile Weapon Acquired"), but later changed their minds and made it into a particle beam weapon. The weapon uses the same ammunition as the gluon gun, which is obviously an energy weapon, giving further evidence to the weapon not being a true Gauss Gun.
The Tau Cannon is also known by many as the Gauss Gun, as many of the Half-Life game files refer to the weapon as the ‘gauss,’ though this is likely a relic of Half-Life’s early development stages.
спасибо большое!)
Я просто люблю сайфай и таймтревел, а за неимением ничего более подходящего, смотрю это. Ну ещё есть Travelers, 12 monkeys, но мне мало.
А Timeless я вообще рассматриваю как реинкарнацию нерождённого сериала Rewind, очень годно сделали только 1 пилотную серию, но дуже нарядно.
How it's made MRI scanner