q_ Years \fe Vears
Trapezius Occipitalis Branchiaus 'Tricep Radialis. Utoslmus DorsiX ^ (Minor) Pectoralis Major Pkctoraijs Minor (Anierior) SeRRATUS ANTERIOR Abdominis External Obijquk Muscles are important to anatomy as they define the weight or strength of a person but also create the definition of the body. Do look at muscles and muscle definitions on bodies. You don't have to learn the Latin names for them all but just looking at how their structured can help with how you draw bodies. ? SUPRACORACOIDEUS Anterior External Oblique Gluteus Médius Gluteus Maximus Lvnssi.Mus Dorsi (Major) 'I he pectoral muscles are far larger than they are in humans as they need to be able to support the wings and pull them down, which is why they have a smaller set of pectoral muscles beneath the main ones. ITrere are different proportions of muscles between genders. Males have larger pectoral muscles than females, who are more slight, but even females would still have larger muscles than those of humans. Pectorals are necessary for pulling the wings dow n. Shoulders w ould he broader and they would have a lot of upper-body strength Abdominal muscle definition would be seen on both genders, i Back muscles would be very' strong and thick, but does not mean that I L they'll be inflexible. The lower back muscles would be strong enough to A Nk support the legs and twist in fiight. /A Glutes and leg muscles might need some w ork on if you w ant to do a M/t. vertical take olT. ffloF 'Note that I haven't drawn breasts on the female since they are not muscles. They're glands. Most of the definition of the back muscles would be hidden by feathers but this doesn't mean that it can't be drawn on. Though it looks complicated, this will all be covered by clothing or feathers depending on how you draw them. Under Muscles and Tendons Trapezius Spreader Bone (Sesamoid Bone & t Batagial Ban) JWATOR SCAPUIAR There are numerous muscles beneath the exterior laver which are also work during wing movement. Pectora SUPRACORACOII uVTERlOR Serrâtes An Postpatagium Tendon The Spreader Bone is a tiny little bone that connects the ligaments from shoulder to wrist and supports the Patagium. Usualy it's found in shearwarters and albatross as they have long wings, but can be used for Winged people for the size comparison between them and ordinary These muscles here are responsible for pulling your shoulder blades forward. Without Patagium ’The patagium is important, that curve in the wing increases the surface area. Don't forget to add it in Also, if the Patagium gets damaged it means that it will be almost impossible to fly. similar to if the Achilles tendon is cut or damaged, it'll need to be heal before you can walk property again.- Rotation and Muscle Movement. The shoulder blades have a lot of rotational movement to them and different muscles pull on them to change the way they behave. Since the wings and arms are connected by the scapulae sockets they will both move together and be affected by different poses: e.g. if you were to roll the shoulders then both arms and wings would move with it. Retraction Protraction Elevation Depression Upward Rotation/Reach Military posture (squaring the shoulders) Pushing forward w ith outstretched Tensing of the shoulders and w ings. arms or down-strokes of the w ings. pulling them back. Serratus anterior pulls the scapula forward. Shrugging, the shoulders or pulling the w ings up and forward. Pushing the shoulders down w ings dow n and back. Lifting, reaching over the head or wings extended forward. Human rib. clavicle and shoulder-blades in red for comparison Winged is more barrel shaped, has a keel and more muscle. The arms do not get in the way because they move with the wings, even then it's from the elbow down that does most of the Hexing and movement. s \ Daily exercise would be needed to keep the muscles from seizing up. (g| j leaving on wings may cause pins and needles. ijift 'll Practicing draw ing poses makes it easier to see how the ( muscles work together, bend and Ilex. Even drawing with fiat colours and few highlights ) helps see perspective Kven-though they still look gawky and odd. remember that movement will often change the pose and leathers make the wings look larger. I’d say use a Butterfly Stroke for movement reference as the shoulders and arms are used a lot for downward strokes and the legs kick slightly. And if you're not sure of positioning of the wings, walk around and use your arms like chicken wings, it usualy helps.
Sw ч ZJ A theoretical cluster of thoughts on the skeletal anatomy of winged people and how they might work. Its purely theoretical and hopefully gives an idea of how it might work. The scapula provides a socket allow ing for movement of the arms and wings. It provides a structured anchor socket for the wing as well as being in a position where the muscles are able to support the w ings. Being connected to a scapula socket means that there is no loss in movement hut also lessens collisions w ith the arms in flight as tin* two are joined to the same structure. As the scapula moves so do the shoulders. It also means as the shoulders are rolled or arms moved up and down the wing will move loo. There is no need for a secondary set of scapulae because 1) it would add more weight to the body, which you don't need if you want to be light enough to fly. 2) You cant put them lower down on the spine and ribcage because there simplv isn’t the , .. .. . infrastructure in muscle forma.,on 1» support^ winge wi|1 mean them, anilwould reduce flexibility of tly^ vanaUon for how far down .he back spine and When pulling the wings down U Ule hu*ferus reaches. Smaller wings will would damage the ribs. // «¡hnrtnr rn:irh hill nuor fill I hi* mavimi nn humerus reach is to the top of the pelvic bone. The hones are not completely iiollow hut pneumatized, meaning that they have criss crossing struts across the inside of the hone for strength. This makes makes them less heavy hut not fragile. They're denser which makes them more durable. They need to be this way to deal with the stresses of flying, taking off and landing as well as supporting the muscles. Note that not all the bones are pneumatized, only the limbs are. The spine, scapula, rib cage, skull and pelvis may have a slightly thinner layer of compact hone hut its still of the same density as the limbs, in these hones is where red marrow is. which is important for the formation of red blood cells.. Rib Barbs. These arc present to strengthen the ribcage, overlapping so that they separate too far and become damaged Straight on Back View. The scapula extends slightly further down the hack than on humans. There is a slight protrusion of the hone above the socket to slop the wing humerus from over reaching, if they w ere raised directly above the head If they over reached then the muscles would be strained and rip the tendons and skin of the low er portion of the wing. Wittjeßm JJmcs Alula Manus (Hand) Just because the wing hones arc small doesn't mean (hat the wings over all w ing size will be small. Humerus Ulna The hand section is laid out in the same way as reptilian and mammal hands, only that they are missing a few digits or they have fused together into one structure. Mss л Digits FI bow ^ Hummingbird Dove There isn't just one size or shape to wings, just take a look at birds. The length of the hones, how thin or thick they are and what they are designed to do all have an impact on shape, flight speed and loading weight. The bones w ould be proportional to body size as they are in birds, and even though they may look liny, the flight leathers are w hat make up the length and shape. Smaller wings are usually faster and more agile whilst larger wings are more powerful and are for long distance travel. Feathers also make a difference to flying slvle but that w ill be on a different sheet. Starling Smaller w ings have a much shorter humerus, hut the bones in manus arc usualy proportionally the saint4 length. A shorter humerus usualy means that the wing can beat faster and is more powerful than those of longer proportions. Albatross Smaller wings also usualy mean larger chest muscles. When the wings fold the bones wont touch because there are muscles and feathers which prevent that. When the wings unfurl it leads from the wrist and alula, since the flight feathers need to be released as soon as possible to get airborne. The humerus provides extension and rotation. AS The only lime w ings w il when rapidly dive or change direction. Happing does not require the wings to move further than necessary, hey wont move a full 180° because shoulders and strain on the back, although about 120° would be sufficient enough. These will beat more belong to I ligh and lx>w Aspect ratio wings, or those who have a large wingspan, times per-minuet than gliding wings, so they usualy have larger muscles and shorter w ings. Hying skeletal figures are far more ungainly than covered forms but do not be put olT hv this. (There will be a muscular structure laid over the top of this figure ^ . .... ..... in the next Anatoim sheet) 1 hou^h the le& look mcre(,lb|y lon£ Ibis is what the proportions ot a regular human skeleton is like*, even so the legs (excluding the feel) are just as long as the radius and humerus of the w ings. Mote that height and wing size will cause variance. Tail feathers may be necessary in some cases, if not. the majority. A larger chest than humans with a sternal keel. The keel is necessary as the pectoral and w ing muscles attach r* . to it. providing extra support for the downward strokes of the wings. There is little hope of having enough pectoral muscle to support the wings if there were no keel. i luman rib cage from the side Slightly smaller skull with larger eye sockets and a sagittal keel, a small ridge which serves as armour against any impact to the roof of the skull. Useful especially if the landing part of flying is not up to scratch.
ангелы,Анатомия,крылья,скелет,крылатые люди.
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У демонов на водороде также работало огненное дыхание, так что слишком много фаерболов - и летательыне мешки истощаются.
Как по твоему драконы летают? На пердальной тяге? У них туши потяжелее пары тон будут.
А ещё там очень красивая музыка =)
Да, там объяснялось сравнительно просто. Драконы хомячат известняк, который вместе с кислотой в желудке выделяет водород. Потом драконы гопают гномов на алмазы и делают из зоба огромное кресало. А дальше уже управление пламенем, старый дракон Горбаша-Питера этому половину мульта учит.
И да, я в детстве влюбился в интро.
Там ещё крутая тема противопоставления Магии и Науки (поднятая до того, как это стало мейнстримом)
В общем, мульт старый, но очень клёвый.
Но стиль и сюжет для детского фентези охуенны.
Если я не буду бздеть мы вообще никуда не полетим.
Да и среди птиц есть любители зависнуть в воздухе и даже полетать назад
Во-вторых, пойдем от обратного: а почему бы и нет?
И кто ты такой, и сколько ангелов ты лично видел, чтобы с подобным авторитетом заявлять о недопустимости существования негров-ангелов?
У летающих птиц, у летучей мыши, даже у крота. Человек не имеет подобной кости.
Боюсь, вместо стройного няшного ангелочка в реальности вышел бы качок на хилых ножках, типа Джонни Браво.
Это не на сколько будут выпирать мышцы, это всего лишь просто такого размера кость, к которой они крепятся. Сами грудные мышцы ещё больше.
И да, это не страшно, наоборот прикольно.
До кучи добавьте законы о расовой чистоте.