BifSCK MiazziiGt p XzffUns Of The §,x time passes on, more and more dogs have been losing^ their dogjg nature in exchange for more rfined habits. JJome dogs 'were not happy with the change and one <fthose dogs is *Elack. J^Juxxle. Jde knew he could not accomplish this alone so he gathered others pups with the same vision. fhere were rumours f~a bone hidden on the island <f £collehound that is able to rekindle the dogjg spirit in all but it's well known among^ mutts that rf the Journey is no simplefeat.JJVCany Jack. HackCoJIam 2nd in command. bii&ck ivuazziwff csKEiw fhe mutts *B1ack.J\/Cu'zxJe recruited to reach the mysterious island, gcollehound. i ^ fhe United KDogdoms naval wa face force, fhey have been ordered to capture 'Black.cACu'zxJe’s crewfor 4 | Doberoy attori
tpuppírates Г °fT>« S" 4 tJack йаско’Наш ÎBlackmuzzle Dofreq Hattori 1763 - 1780 •¡puppirales ÏRofregi ЮоЬегоц ^frfrarossa 1774
красивые картинки,Kah Yan Choong,art,арт,пираты,собакены,Fantasy,Fantasy art
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