Прекрасная - уродливая
От фараона до чернорабочего
Расовая гармония:
Британец - учитель английского
Филиппинка - домашняя прислуга
Японка - владелец суши-ресторана
From Pharaoh to Laborer Egyptian society was well ordered and adnunistered by law-enforcers, courts, and judges. All classes paid their taxes in goods or services, which were then used to pay government officials and the army. Scribes were the only members of society who could possibly rise through the ranks to become noblemen. But the majority of ancient Egyptians were satisfied with their lot. double crown The pharaoh, meaning “er, , absolute ruler. He could have „ h°u*' * only one queen could be the r • V V? His symbols of office were the ’Saiir Upper and Lower Egypt, *Tc^5}* flail, an implement used for tlm- c ndtL Court officials and nobleme ort.ee in ancient Egypt and helpC(J , hel<Hw to rule the country. The pharaoh reward loyal nobles with gifts of], ?U'd°C they would have their own mco' ^f S°C collar necklace P'tItSTt Priests and -lvl temples and heldL : priest ran his tempi-* dancers, and assistant directly to temples Scribes were the cv They administered tl oversaw government to send their childre -tl) so tliey would 1, could tlien enter g0 where they might V papyrus
(A) Fill in the Ыапкя Japanese Indian British Chine so Korean Мц>1Гко I I am ™.pmo_ domestic helper I am Bntish I am an English teacher I am a In Hong Kong 3 I am Japanese . i have о sushi restaurant in Hong Kong i «
интересное,интересные факты, картинки и истории ,расизм,разное
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