NORMALFAG BINGO moved out of parent's home played in a team sport been on vacation or a road trip / anon

moved out of parent's home	played in a team sport	been on vacation or a road trip with friends	10+ friends who would come to your funeral	been to a festival or concert with friends
have been called a good kisser	get compliments regularly	can make conversation easily	held at least
NORMALFAG BINGO moved out of parent's home played in a team sport been on vacation or a road trip with friends 10+ friends who would come to your funeral been to a festival or concert with friends have been called a good kisser get compliments regularly can make conversation easily held at least one birthday ^ party w go out most weekends went to prom and had a date use social networking sites and apps LOST VIRGINITY had a relationship that lasted at least 1yr tagged in photos with girls had at least 5 sexual partners parents are proud of you not fat; in good shape have had sex in a public place have tried recreational rarely alone on birthdays and New Year had a girl say she loves you have had a job been to a house party picked up a girl from a bar or club
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Вы издеваетесь? Да я ж ебаный нормалфаг на 75% по этому лото, но оно врёт
anon anon 09.08.201817:22 ответить ссылка -1.2
Вали с этого раздела к социомразям гланги, тварь тупая
anon anon 09.08.201817:39 ответить ссылка 0.7
Лото пиздит! Лото врёт!
anon anon 09.08.201819:00 ответить ссылка 0.6
loved out of parent'« lome
lave beei called a lood kisse’
played in a team sport
get omplimenl regularly
been on vacation or a road trip with friends
can make conversatioi easily
10+ friends who would come to your funeral
held at least one birthda
went to prom and had a
anon anon 09.08.201818:16 ответить ссылка 0.0
Тут моя забаненная часть личности спрашивает что за оборот have had?
anon anon 09.08.201819:48 ответить ссылка 0.0
Настоящее совершенное время - употребляется, когда нужно обозначить действие, которое имело место быть в прошлом, но продолжается/имеет результат в настоящем.
anon anon 10.08.201801:01 ответить ссылка 0.0
Только первый пункт и работа. А еще не толстый, а дрищ, но хорошей формой это не назовешь
anon anon 10.08.201808:23 ответить ссылка 0.0
Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут добавлять комментарии.
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