Хороший лектор и лекции интересные!
Страница из учебника Эдварда Бургера, профессора из Williams College, с фотографией, на которой запечатлен волнующий момент из лекции самого профессора Бургера. Для того чтобы продемонстрировать топологический принцип, профессор Бургер расстегнул ширинку перед всем классом, и, не снимая штанов, вывернул их наизнанку. И натянул их обратно. Ноги у него при этом были связаны веревкой. Студенты великолепно усвоили топологический материал.Подробнее
6-0z glass 10-oz glass Edward Burger: exposed on April 24,1993. 8 ounces in the 10-ounce glass. Do you think it's possible? If so, explain how. and if not, explain why. This pledge-week prank does whet our appetites for a world of numbers. Story 4. Dropping Trou Before reading on. remember that truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. The highlight of Professor Burger's April 1993 talk to more than 300 Williams College students and their parents occurred when, after removing his shoes, he tied his feet together with a stout rope, leaped onto the table, dramatically removed his belt, unzipped his zipper, and dropped his pants. The purple cows (Williams mascots) mooing about on his baggy boxer shorts completed an image not soon forgotten in the annals of mathematical talks. The more conservative parents in the audience were contemplating transferring their sons and daughters to a less “progressive” school. But then, at the moment of maximum shock and bewilderment. Professor Burger performed the seemingly impossible feat of rehabilitating his fast-sinking reputation. Without removing the rope attached to his feet, he turned his pants inside out and pulled his trousers back to their accustomed position (though now inside out). Thus he simultaneously restored his modesty and his credibility by demonstrating the mathematical triumph of reversing his pants without removing the rope that was tying his feet together. Please attempt to duplicate Professor Burger’s amazing feat—in the privacy of your room, of course. You will need a rope or cord about 5 feet long. One end of ♦Visit www.hcartofmath.com to see these Web pages come to life and to discover more.
математика,наука,лекция,Эдвард Бургер
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Сингулярность и пятое измерение.
вероятно речь о том, что его ноги были именно связаны, поэтому он не мог полностью снять штаны, но мог перемещать их с одной ноги на другую. лучше бы об этом в тексте сказали, а не про расстегнутую ширинку.
надо соединить стопы и вывернуть штаны через штанину,
веревка тут чисто для наглядности отсутствия мухлевания...