М JL* ^»Д 1 1к L Д ’> * Jr i а *у®ав,
4 к v\ ^ • 1 * *\ V 1 ' шугл JMttü r"¡v4¿
V tit?AI Я 'L
W * ' ч ^'З 7 * " « •* /У"*"
белка,ромашки,грязный нос
Now THAT’S club
Well synced and timed video
muh (unrealistic) diveristy
too clustered and
(2 minutes and 34 seconds of it)
little music
Prothestic Tracer ¿/Beyond historically
fast cut, generic trailer inaccurate uniforms immediately reconginzed as WW1
Felt neccessary to turn into gameplay
Отличный комментарий!