LOOK: Sky in New York City turns blue!,Entertainment,,
Blue Light Floods NYC Sky as Transformer Explodes in Queens | NBC New York,News & Politics,transformer fire,nyc,new york city transformer fire,blue light nyc,nyc blue light,blue light new york city,nyc blue,blue light,weird light nyc,nyc transformer fire,transformer fire nyc,new york city news,queens,con ed,coned,con edison,consolidated edison,ufo nyc,ufo new york city,ufo queens,ufo brooklyb,ufo brooklyn,ufo manhatttan,A transformer explosion in Queens sent an eerie blue light flooding the nighttime sky over New York City Thursday night, startling residents. Con Edison says a couple of transformers tripped offline at the substation at 20th Avenue and 32nd Street, sparking a fire. The explosion lit the sky so brightly that it briefly appeared to be daytime in neighborhoods like Astoria and Woodside, residents reported. Smoke arose from the source of the blue light, visible from as far as Manhattan. Read More: https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Blue-Light-Sky-Explosion-Queens-503589291.html NBC 4 New York on Twitter: http://4.nbcny.com/kAuuwUN NBC 4 New York on Facebook: http://4.nbcny.com/mbeh714 NBC 4 New York on Instagram: http://4.nbcny.com/g5YlkcI NBC 4 New York on Youtube: http://4.nbcny.com/iTUpy5e #NYC #ConEdison #TransformerFire #Queens #News
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