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bannerlord beta Игры 


Разрабы в последнем блоге обьявили о скорейшем запуске закрытой беты мультиплейре. Шансы дожить до полноценного релиза увеличились вдвое

293 B/s H+.,ilI .III dZ3]i 09:32
= Dev Blog 28/03/19	0
While Bannerlord's singleplayer campaign offers great adventures to all, for many players, nothing quite matches the excitement of testing their skills against human opponents in Mount & Blade's engaging multiplayer

Из того что я понял на бете будет доступен один режим 6 на 6. Что уже хоть и мало но хоть что то.

Bela!. .
Beta!. ^(0

Beta!,Mount & Blade II,bannerlord,beta,Игры

life:) MTSIMTS UKR 293 B/s H+.,ilI .III dZ3]i 09:32 = Dev Blog 28/03/19 0 While Bannerlord's singleplayer campaign offers great adventures to all, for many players, nothing quite matches the excitement of testing their skills against human opponents in Mount & Blade's engaging multiplayer matches. In this week's blog, we want to take a look at Skirmish mode, which is a brand new multiplayer game mode for the upcoming Bannerlord... But, before we go any further, allow us to give you a brief history of Mount & Blade multiplayer. Our previous title, Mount & Blade: Warband, was the first game in the series to feature multiplayer. This was a highly requested feature from fans of the original Mount & Blade, and something that we thought would go hand-in-hand with our skill-based directional combat system. We launched Warband with a multiplayer Beta that allowed players to jump in and test their Mount & Blade skills against players from all over the world. Our community really ran with this: clans were formed, scrims were organised, and eventually, tournaments started to take place (and still are!). Flash forward 7 years, and we were finally able to show our recognition to this amazing part of our community by hosting our own LAN event, The Battle of Bucharest, with the best individuals and teams in the scene being invited to participate. <3 o □
 Beta! Bela!. . Beta!. ^(0 Beta! Beta!
Mount & Blade II,bannerlord,beta,Игры
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Mount & Blade Игры bannerlord

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