Анита Саркисян, похоже, всё?
Анита Саркисян и ее SJW ютуб-канал на грани банкротства.
Это объясняет резкие нападки на Cyberpunk и попытки навязаться консультантом в любые возможные места.
Краткая расшифровка этого англоязычного ролика и пары комментариев:
Все началось с поста, в котором Анита Саркисян неудоумевает,почему ей не досталось ни копейки из денег, которые EA задонатила некоммерческим организациям в целях пресечения распространения "плохого поведения" в интернете. А задонатили они миллион долларов.
Там же она указывает, что ее канал femfreq все это время был на грани и досих пор нуждается в деньгах. Кто бы мог подумать.
Далее уже TheQuartering задается вопросом. Если EA и ей подобные донатят такие астрономические суммы блоггерам и CJW-активистам, то куда они уходят? Что они с ними делают?
Ранее этим годом, Анита Саркисян заявила, что femfreq нужны изменения. Она отказалась от заработной платы и уволила двоих своих близких друзей. Закрыла свой офис, а так же перестала делать видео. (LOL)
Она сказала, что у нее нет подходящего ответа о том, почемуона решила "двигаться дальше". Просто время пришло.
И это время удивительно совпала с моментом, когда ее сотрудники начали жаловаться на невыплату зарплаты.
Сотрудница зявляет, что работает на общественных началах с января и не может так больше продолжать.
Те самые твиты про киберпанк
Несмотря на двaдцaтипpoцeнтный рост канала, среднее дневное количество зрителей и просмотров падает.
Компания Аниты Саркисян не генерирует никакой прибыли. Она выживает на пожертвованиях. Даже государственный грант не помог.
На следующий год ситуация повторяется. Зарплата перестала выплачиваться просто потому, что у них нет денег.
Теперь мы знаем в чем причина такого яростного негодования по поводу распределения денег от EA и других источников. И в чем причина такого нелепого наезда на киберпанк. Это и есть прямое и наглейшее вымогательство. И возможно нас ждет еще много таких лулзов, так что запасаемся попкорном.
Cyberpunk 2077 Was Anita's Last Chance! It's Over!,Gaming,video games,pc gaming,cyberpunk 2077,cyberpunk2077,gaming news,video game news,computer games,gaming,youtube gaming,anita sarkeesian,It all makes sense now when we look at how the funds inside this non-profit gaming company were spent over the past few years. Living well beyond their means. #Cyberpunk2077
Anita Sarkeesian O ©anitasarkeesian c Follow Sorry what? EA is donating a million dollars to non profits working to end bullying & online harassment!?!? Some facts: - they didn't speak up during GamerGate at all - @femfreq has been a non profit on the front lines of this issue for years constantly struggling with funding 11:34 AM - 8 Jun 2019 O 397 tl 143 O 839 Q Tweet your reply
m V GamesNosh ©GamesNosh c Follow ) V PAY YOUR STAFF ANITA, YOU BUM. If trans women matter so much, then surely they deserve to get paid right? Corov Carolyn Petit Octrdynrractmli« Hello, and than! M ovoryon# Thinks for visiting my Ko tl pat wendeung why rvo sot this u*>. r<j like to u« «•xpUnltf These days it seems that so many ot us nee one point or anotn«#. ana now It’s my turn n'.VIU.IWtWirggFCTW^t^ i i^jfing iha for wont, and aoditonaiy navo put a consd or»a effort into a croicct that I reaty believe to f rotten, though It * imoowibe at this pa wll Hi all, I am VERY MUCH looking for payi work! Need games reviewed by an established & universally beloved name Want me to bnng my experience & perspective to bear on something you'« creating? Have other ideas about how \ SKILLS can be made to work FOR YOU-DMs are open! S 0« pf/ Jun 17. 2019 Twiner Web Client 18 tie tweets 16 Liles 10:54 PM - 17 Jun 2019 289 Retweets 1,112 Lkes i Q 48 tl 289 C? 1.1K 0 C Tweet your reply GamesNosh jlGamesNosh • Jun 17 \/ If you wondered why she's been real lippy lately on twitter and butting into video games again after saying she was done with them, it's because the betabux have dried up - and she's laying the groundwork for another grift. Q e tl 52 O 312 0
Carolyn Petit ©23 May Hello, and thank you! Hi everyone. Thanks for visiting my Ko-fi page. In case you’re wondering why I've set this upf I'd like to take a moment here to explain. These days, it seems that so many of us need to ask for a bit of help at one point or another, and now it's my turn. Since January of this year, I've been working in a volunteer capacity with Feminist Frequency, During that time, I’ve been looking for work, and additionally have put a considerable amount of time and effort into a project that I really believe in and that I hope comes to fruition, though it's impossible at this point to say whether or not it will.
Anita Sarkeesian ©anitasarkeesian V Follow Hey @CDPROJEKTRED, I'm always available for consulting cause it sure sounds like you might need it before the whole of the internet drags you for what sounds like some potentially sexist representations... which we all know you've struggled with in the past <y> Ryan Boyd '• ©ryandroyd this is like a fucking turducken of facile takes, genre ignorance, and milquetoast body squeamishness, which is maybe not ideal from the makers of a game literally called Cyberpunk Show this thread 11:01 PM - 15 Jun 2019 O 3.8K tl 173 C? 1.5K S Tweet your reply Anita Sarkeesian O ©anitasarkeesian • Jun 15 vs Nudity itself isn’t the problem, neither is showing and expressing sexuality or sexual desire. It’s about how it’s represented and what values the overall narrative promotes. Q 160 45 C? 599 0 Anita Sarkeesian 0 ©anitasarkeesian • Jun 15 v Video game designers! Let me help you avoid these kinds of mistakes. I want you to make the great games you're envisioning while appealing to a broader audience (and that includes not offending entire market segments). Consulting — Anita Sarkeesian m anitasarkeesian com O 1JK tl 48 O 606 0
YOUTUBE STATS SUMMARY / USER STATISTICS FOR FEMINISTFREQUENCY (JUN 7TH, 2019 - JUN 20TH, 2019) DATE SUBSCRIBERS VIDEO VIEWS ESTIMATED EARNINGS 2019-06-07 Fri +3 222,436 ♦2,507 30,638,502 $0.63 - $10 2019-06-08 Sat +13 222,449 +2,495 30,640,997 $0.62 - $10 201906-09 Sun -13 222,436 ♦2,725 30,643,722 $0.68 $11 2019-06-10 Mon +6 222,442 +2,916 30,646,638 $0.73 - $12 2019-06-11 Tue +12 222,454 +2,520 30,649,158 $0.63 - $10 201906-12 wed -56 222,398 +3,433 30,652,591 $0.86 $14 2019-06-13 Thu +6 222,404 +2,583 30,655,174 $0.65 - $10 2019-06-14 Fri +4 222,408 +2,343 30,657,517 $0.59 - $9 2019-06-15 Sat + 13 222,421 ♦2,500 30,660,017 $0.63 • $10 2019-06-16 Sun +16 222,437 +2,750 30,662,767 $0.69 - $11 2019-06-17 Mon +9 222,446 +3,949 30,666,716 $0.99 - $16 2019-06-18 Tue +2 222,448 ♦6,488 30,673,204 $2 - $26 2019-06-19 Wed -23 222,425 +6,601 30,679,805 $2 - $26 2019-06-20 Thu +5 222,430 O LIVE +3,727 30,683,532 $0.93 - $15 Daily Averages < -9 $0.72 - $12 0 Last 30 Days «5 -280 ♦86,280 $22 - $345 °
CASH FLOW REPORT OPENING BALANCE $343,721 REVENUE Corporate Donations $95.535.46 Individual Donations $137.587.17 Grant Funding $7.800.00 Misc. Revenue* $13,813.70 Total revenue $254,736.33 •Miscellaneous revenue includes contributions made through websites offering charitable donation options, such as Ama/onSmite. EXPENDITURES' Programming Administrative Development and Community Engagement Mise Adjustments’* Total expenditures*** $438,192.43 "Mise adjustments represent items sue/» as outstanding grant amounts and vendor payments m process at year's end ***In 2017. Feminist Frequency invested in long-term institutional infrastructure to ensure the organization's longevity arxi programming: this investment will continue to benefit Feminist Frequency in upcoming years. $195,339.17 $116.382.09 $126.471.17 $10.553.19 ENDING BALANCE $149,711.71
2018 Financial Information Thanks to the generosity and sustaining vision of individual donors and corporate partners, Feminist Frequency has ended each year of its existence with healthy financial resources, while still producing high-quality, regular programming like The FREQ Show, our podcasts, and online media reviews and critiques. In 2018, our solid financial footing allowed the leadership of the organization, with the backing of the Feminist Frequency Board of Directors, to continue to allow Feminist Frequency to extend its global reach and expand its educational and cultural mission. Our profound thanks to the donors whose support endows us with the resources to dream big and accomplish much - in particular those donors who responded with such increSible generosity to our 2018 Annual Fundraising Appeal. Cash Flow Report OPENING BALANCE $157,490.62 REVENUE Corporate Donations $22.669.57 Individual Donations $153.063.82 Grant Funding $11.170.80 Merchandise Sales $3.191.53 Misc. Revenue* $6.979.25 Total incoming revenue $197,035.07 Total operating funds 2018** $356,525.69 ’Miscellaneous revenue includes fiscal sponsor administrative revenue and contributions made through websites offering charitable donation options, such as Ama/onSmile and Twitch. ”Operating funds includes opening balance as of 1/1/18 and incoming revenue for the year. EXPENDITURES Programming $186.370.52 Administrative $99.567.10 Development and Community Engagement $37.760.35 Total expenditures $323,557.97 ENDING BALANCE $30,967.72 ◄ BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS
Анита Саркисян,Anita Sarkeesian,SJW,Cyberpunk 2077,Игры,вымогательство,длиннопост
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