Время пришло!
Has at) attractive xvcrpap ever ashed you, “WHAT TIME IS IT?" Guaranteed Jor two year* To order...»end check or money order for ¿50.95. which Include« Si.00 for postage and handling, payable to LEASURP. TIME PRODUCTS. Dept. 0770. P. O. BOX 3200. Columbu*. Ohio 43310. (Ohio residents add 4» sale» tax) or. call our TOLL-FREE number 1IKXMU8 0I07 (Ohio resident» coll I>ft00-2ft2 02l6). ha and MC credit card» only. You muat be 21 yearn of a*e or older to order. Please allow up to 4 week* for delivery. WARNING! DO NOT TRY TO KREP »tt* WITH THIS WATCH! Bvery 30 M'comls uhho times a <lay) this unique and stylish gold wair h [ * m will flash "TIMItTO iHCK-on the dial fiK’C. if you're looking for a sulil^ way io break I he Ice. or ju.si wish io reaffirm your priorities, #ri ihh f gpf excllln# and novel timepiece. ii noi only keeps accurate lime, bo I lr* 41 ,hc *r<%*,Ci;f Conversation piece you'll ever own. Why pot £ive ber a tin>ely reminder...
часы,правильные часы,time to fuck,буклет
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