Shambler (DD) :: Man-at-Arms (DD) :: Highwayman (DD) :: Vestal (DD) :: Crusader (DD) :: Darkest Dungeon :: Игры

Crusader (DD) Darkest Dungeon Игры Vestal (DD) Highwayman (DD) Shambler (DD) Man-at-Arms (DD) 

'Cwas the night before Christmas, and the "Ruins were silent. Made so through efforts most taxing and violent. -JM
Cbey'd sat at the bar. started drinking with blank stares. While I'd gone to seek slumber without any nightmares, fe. When

jfTheiy'flr SuchSrt 'Cwas the night before Christmas, and the "Ruins were silent. Made so through efforts most taxing and violent. -JM irkestjDungeon HpKnpisrlinasiB^lel Cbey'd sat at the bar. started drinking with blank stares. While I'd gone to seek slumber without any nightmares, fe. When outside the tavern there arose such a clatter. T I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter. 4 While my spirits were high, my companions' were not so. 1 Cbey'd learned too many things man was not meant to know. As a child I'd heard stories of a jolly gift-giver. IBB Bs Who flew from hamlet to hamlet with joy to deliver. g RBw But it wasn't Saint Nick, and I soon had the proof, IB As a horror beyond words punched its way through the roof. It hungered to feed on my companions below. A flame lit in my soul; I'd not let it be so! I took up my blade, drew it forth with a flash. As a thousand black tendrils all began to lash- h- With the flame in my heart, 1 dealt blows with zeal, But the fiend's eldritch flesh would then rapidly heal, 4B and stabs would knit closed, and when 1 hewed off a tentacle, Che fiend would sprout a new one that was identical. When my strength was near gone, my blows weak and desperatt ■fe Che horror withdrew, at last granting me respite. ]4| As it slithered away, 1 heard its alien maws shout; DarkestDunae t CHRISTMAS! 3 YOU'D BETTER men our..
Crusader (DD),Darkest Dungeon,Игры,Vestal (DD),Highwayman (DD),Shambler (DD),Man-at-Arms (DD)
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		• Ж^ ИВ			>WB^k '*!	
	/Моч * iífiK		у^ЗДЖ'			
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					Í:m.	lùlflr

Highwayman (DD) Darkest Dungeon Игры Crusader (DD) Vestal (DD)

V ^ • Ж^ ИВ >WB^k '*! /Моч * iífiK у^ЗДЖ' К Jr А Ь/• t /Sp ¿jP^Bm ST ÿ Тжук>, Я ■ £^Шг м 1 - Ор1 В. ^ Í:m. lùlflr