Китайские ученые опубликовали доклад «Возможное происхождение коронавируса 2019-nCoV», в котором говорится, что распространение коронавируса вероятнее всего началось с лаборатории, расположенной рядом с рынком морепродуктов
По версии властей Китая, первое заражение произошло именно на рынке - инфекция перешла к человеку от летучей мыши
Однако по мнению биологов Ботао Сяо и Лэй Сяо, на самом деле заражение человека произошло в лаборатории во время опытов над животными
«Согласно муниципальным отчетам и свидетельствам 31 местного жителя и 28 приезжих, летучая мышь никогда не употреблялась в пищу в этом городе, и на рынке не было ни одной летучей мыши», - говорится в докладе (а в институте летучие мыши присутствовали сотнями)
Авторы доклада приводят информацию уханьских исследователей о том, что во время опыта одна из летучих мышей напала на ученого, и кровь животного «попала ему на кожу» (после чего лаборант поместил сам себя в карантин на две недели)
Институт вирусологии находится в 20 милях от злополучного рынка морепродуктов, однако у института есть лаборатория, которая находится в 280 метрах от рынка
Южнокорейское телевидение сообщает, что китайские ученые, критиковавшие правительство, пропали. В Южной Корее разгневаны: в экономике страны чрезвычайное положение, 46 корейцев, в т.ч. один ребенок, заболели коронавирусом, останавливаются производства, такие убытки корейцам вовсе не упали
Президент Южной Кореи Мун заявил, что правительству республики следует предпринять все усилия для поддержания экономики, пострадавшей в результате вспышки нового коронавируса
"(Правительство) не должно спорить о том, являются ли какие-то действия беспрецедентными или нет. Вместо этого мы должны принять все возможные меры", - сказал Мун сегодня на заседании правительства
Он добавил, что экономика государства находится в чрезвычайном положении и необходимо принять меры для стимулирования внутреннего спроса
Вирусологи из лаборатории Уханьского института вирусологии
Chinese scientists says COVID-19/coronavirus could have originated from government ...,News & Politics,arirang,tv,south,korea,korean,SouthKorea,ArirangNews,news,Seoul,arirangtv,아리랑tv,아리랑뉴스,뉴스,북한,northkorea,대한민국,중국,과학자,실험,수산시장,유출,가능성,영국,언론,코로나19,세계,보건,기구,신종코로나,바이러스,폐렴,우한,전염병,질병,환자,병원,COVID19,WHO,novel,coronavirus,pandemic,World,Health,Organization,Wuhan,China,worldwide,epidemic,death,scientist,originate,government,test,world,fish,market,facility,lab,laboratory,Chinese scientists says COVID-19/coronavirus could have originated from government testing lab in Wuhan 중국•영국언론 "코로나19, 수산시장 아닌 실험실 유출 가능성" As the world struggles to contain the new virus,... a new speculation from the Chinese scientists,... who believe it may have originated at a research facility not far from the Wuhan fish market. While they say more research needs to be done to find solid proof,... such labs are known to contain disease-ridden animals, including hundreds of bats. Kim Hyo-sun tells us more. Amid the continued spread of the COVID-19 virus,... there's rising speculation the virus could have originated from a government laboratory in Wuhan rather than the widely-held belief that it emerged from the city's Huanan seafood markets. Citing a report published by Chinese scientists,... a Chinese-language newspaper published in Hong Kong, Ming Pao, and the British daily, The Mirror explained Sunday that the Wuhan Center for Disease Control, or WHCDC, could have spawned the contagion in Hubei Province. According to the report penned by Botao Xiao and Lei Xiao of the South China University of Technology,... the research lab, which is only 280 meters away from the Huanan seafood market,... kept disease-ridden animals including more than 600 bats. It stated that while it's plausible the virus was leaked from the lab and contaminated initial patients in this epidemic,... more solid evidence is required through future study. The report also raised the possibility that the Wuhan Institute of Virology could have leaked the virus while it was carrying out tests involving Chinese horseshoe bats. Against such a background,... an article published by the Washington Times late last month is garnering attention, as it raised the possibility that the disastrous outbreak could be the accidental result of biological weapons research. This comes as a renowned law professor at Tsinghua University in Beijing, Xu Zhangrun, is known to be missing after publicly condemning Chinese President Xi Jinping for failing to contain the spread of the virus at an early stage. He even added the condemnation could be the last message of his life. Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News. #scientist #COVID19 #coronavirus Arirang News Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/arirangtvnews
President Moon expresses concern following big increase in new COVID-19 cases,News & Politics,arirang,tv,south,korea,korean,SouthKorea,ArirangNews,news,Seoul,arirangtv,아리랑tv,아리랑뉴스,뉴스,북한,northkorea,대한민국,문재인,대통령,시,도,교육감,방역,대책,논의,정책,정부,신종코로나,바이러스,폐렴,우한,중국,전염병,질병,환자,병원,President,MoonJaein,discuss,quarantine,measures,education,superintendent,COVID19,WHO,novel,coronavirus,pandemic,World,Health,Organization,Wuhan,China,worldwide,epidemic,death,문 대통령 "지역사회 감염 대응체계 대폭강화…지역방어망 구축" President Moon has called for a stronger response system to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in local communities. He expressed concern Wednesday after South Korea reported 15 new cases,... including a child. Here's the President. There is a need to establish a local defense network by strengthening the community defense system. The president was speaking this morning in a meeting with the education superintendents of South Korea's 17 provinces and cities,... where they discussed quarantine measures to ensure students' safety with spring semester due to start in the coming weeks. Moon stressed that the education authorities have to protect students,... calling for more thorough disinfection at schools and preschools... and for enough supplies to be secured of face masks and hand sanitizer. He also called for cooperation from local schools to educate children on personal hygiene regulations. #COVID19 #coronavirus #increase Arirang News Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/arirangtvnews
According to the South Korean news network Arirang, the government's laboratory, which is located about 300 yards from the animal market, may have engendered the contagion as a result of several animal Investigations. Huanan Seafood Market r 91 lndu*tn* - ro« Bark o' y „ **** •pi«'"'* B Measure distance Total distance 277.73 m (911.06 ft) Wuhan Center for Disease Control & Prevention . In the report published by the group of researchers led by Botao Xiao and Lei Xiao in the scientific journal ResearchGate, it was mentioned that research was conducted at the WHCDC facility on 605 bats that were captured in Hubei and Zhejiang provinces.
An article published on The Lancet reported that 41 people in Wuhan were found to have the acute respiratory syndrome and 27 of them had contact with Huanan Seafood Market3. The 2019-nCoV was found in 33 out of 585 samples collected in the market after the outbreak. The market was suspicious to be the origin of the epidemic, and was shut down according to the rule of quarantine the source during an epidemic. The bats carrying CoV ZC45 were originally found in Yunnan or Zhejiang province, both of which were more than 900 kilometers away from the seafood market. Bats were normally found to live in caves and trees. But the seafood market is in a densely-populated district of Wuhan, a metropolitan of ~15 million people. The probability was very low for the bats to fly to the market. According to municipal reports and the testimonies of 31 residents and 28 visitors, the bat was never a food source in the city, and no bat was traded in the market. There was possible natural recombination or intermediate host of the coronavirus, yet little proof has been reported. Was there any other possible pathway? We screened the area around the seafood market and identified two laboratories conducting research on bat coronavirus. Within -280 meters from the market, there was the Wuhan Center for Disease Control & Prevention (WHCDC) (Figure 1, from Baidu and Google maps). WHCDC hosted animals in laboratories for research purpose, one of which was specialized in pathogens collection and identification 4‘ 6. In one of their studies, 155 bats including Rhinolophus affinis were captured in Hubei province, and other 450 bats were captured in Zhejiang province 4 The expert in collection was noted in the Author Contributions (JHT). Moreover, he was broadcasted for collecting viruses on nation-wide newspapers and websites in 2017 and 2019 7’8. He described that he was once by attacked by bats and the blood of a bat shot on his skin. He knew the extreme danger of the infection so he quarantined himself for 14 days 1. In another accident, he quarantined himself again because bats peed on him. He was once thrilled forcapturing a bat carrying a live tick 8
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СИНЬХУА Новости о 01/27/2020 09:27 RUSSIAN.NEWS.CN ЯЗЫК Китай Китай и Мир Международная панорама Фото Ещё Группа молодых исследователей из Уханьского института вирусологии АНК 2018-05-05 14:57:13 I Russian.News.Cn На фото -- научный сотрудник Уханьского института вирусологии АНК Чжоу Пэн. Фотографии Синьхуа
COVID-19,2019-nCoV, уханьский коронавирус, китайская чума,Корея,Китай,страны,коронавирус,ученые,Уханьский институт вирусологии,вирусологи
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Недо-Кинг, обожающий порно-эротические вставки.
Но сам факт причины вируса и епидемии скрывали очень долго.
Пока одна журналистка не нарисовала на карте точки путешествий умерших и заболевших.
Город(номерной) и страну угадайте сами, это вам не книжки по фантастике читать.
Тащемта просто военный городок №19 на окраине Свердловска (ныне Екатеринбурга)
Думаю пусть сначала эпидемия закончиться, а тогда уже будем и разбираться как началось. А сейчас это бессмысленно.