72 Through the Looking Glass BY DAVID II AN DEL MAN She's a vegan at home who cats meat when out. a daddy's girl who's been supporting hersell (or years, and a hopeless romantic who doesn't have a boylriend. Alicia Silverstone may present as many contradictions as Alan is Morissetta's ‘Hand in My Pocket." but that hasn't distracted Hollywood's youngest actress-producer from concentrating on her latest endeavor. Excess Baggage. Despite rumors of pudginess and poor career control, Silverstone has managed to succeed professionally while keeping her ‘ innocence intact. Tm twenty years old." she iays. I've done a lot of things that take focus and commitr^rjfcltatiody can say. "She's Juft a J [lako.'riRht?8utlthinM';nepiitMiltth®allakeforalittlewhile.' - J
Брендан Фрейзер,Brendan Fraser,Актеры и Актрисы,Знаменитости,мужская эротика,мужская красота,Пряничный домик,разное,Посейдон,Меркурий,адонис,молодой
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