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Ratheon AN/APQ-140 Radar VHF/UhfAenal&HFAenal Ferranti laser Telemetry Unit Waveform Generator Inflight refuing probe Refueling Receptacle Twin Landing Light* Crew Escape Module Drogue Parachute Landing Parachute Hooting Air Extractor vent Variable Ar Intake Pytong mount for 264 - Imp gal (1 200 -1) Ventral Am tank Tiebomeca 8000 Engines Hydraulic Air Brakes and engine cover Stabilers Chart / Flare Fuselage chaff / flare dispense Nacelles dampers. MV Exhaust Outlet The Sups B GT k seen by the MAF at a «ttuar cha kngcr lor me future of The Ovltan Radng Market. Jt nil hive super sonic speed lor low tevd peetratten and higher MAC speeds at grocer altitudes It ml be capable cf carrying around 10 SRAMS and mil have tno external hardpohes. The Sups B GT wKb its blended Mng-tusciage design prclio; sharp angled body and junctions creates a highly aple arcratt able to slim the ground at low atttodcs and quirky correct course to counteract Inccmtig mreats. The variable sweep whg lor example Das been «signed to vary Iron IS «g luty toward to 65 «g ful aft The Ugh «sign speeds of the Sups B GT have made the use at variable- geometry enpne air Wets IrrperatVe, and experience gaited wth the GT 3A has Men put to good use In this respect. A System of ramps, throats, cowls and tikes bypass door Ml provide tor vaitous aril:« rates to be made by an Wet control system. The paverplant naceksm each contain a cngr.c and mUbpie stablsss along with dampers to reduce high levels of low attitude tor balance threuy the craft Maivn Motor Mouth Lead commeMor lor Euro Ractig leegie sad ' Ths craft h Mslgnod to rredsnlsc the ige'ng UT 84. With enhareed sutvvabily In all modes ol opsabon through (aster reocOcn. Increased res Stance to owpressixe, lasts tty out bmes, higher speeds and greatly Increase ECM d iterance SUPER BEE GT ENGINE DETAILS INVARIABLE - SWEEP WING [[CREW ESCAPE MODULE low altutude high ipeed ejection module with life raft capabMiet. GRAPHICS WARNING CHAFF SAFETY SWITCH oa____ ► I SffCnrPINMUSTKINWXN INSERT SAfCTY UN KfOfii MOOWtS ARE MOOUU IS RtMOViO 0ft INSTAUEO RfMO^fO OR INSTAUEO CAUTION REMOVE PIN BEfCftl f LIGHT Super Fomo [counter measures ANTJ- M1SSLE SYSTEM CARL MELDEN
Sci-Fi,art,арт,3D,Carl Holden,Sci-Fi,art,3D,Carl Holden
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