Внезапно вспомнил что я хожу в спортзал и решил поделиться набором упражнений
Когда пытаешься чего-то там себе подкачать чтобы меньше походить на грушу то советы начинаются сыпаться со всех сторон. Делай так, нет делай эдак, стероиды, протеины, вот эту программу попробуй, вот эта для твоей комплекции лучше, а если в самом спортзале наймешь тренера, то там вообще хрен ногу сломит. Я когда решил заняться просто потерялся, там невозможно что-то выбрать. Я пробовал и платные программы и с тренером - ничего не работает, не помогает, результатов не видно.
Пока не набрел на AllPro Simple Beginner's workout. Программа выложена на форуме bodybuilding.com. Она и симпл и бегиннерс только с точки зрения профессиональных бодибилдеров мне кажется, бездумно ее выполнять не получится. Ну не совсем. Обмусоливают ее давно и это уже седьмая тема подряд там, ветка достигает предельного значения, ее закрывают и продолжают дальше.
Программа эта, когда я прочитал что там к чему, выглядит очень несерьезно. Нагрузка маленькая, особенно в самом начале. Выполнить дневную нагрузку можно минут за 15. Если в спортзал нужно куда-то пилить то чувствуешь себя довольно глупо, поэтому я делал еще и кардио в этот же день чтобы "не зря", что вообще-то не рекомендуется. Почему я с ней начал работать потому что махнул рукой уже, невозможно же определиться, а программа эта универсальная, да и миллионы мух не могут ошибаться.
Но удивительно это первая программа которая дала ощутимые результаты. Ощутимые визуально и тактильно.
Выглядит программа следующим образом:
"Вы занимаетесь три дня в неделю так чтобы дни не были подряд. Понедельник(я пишу пн потому что мне кажется это оптимальный день) - это "тяжелый" день. Среда - "средний", когда используешь на 10% меньший вес чем в "тяжелый". Пятница - "легкий день", вес на 20% меньше чем в "тяжелый"
Легкий разогрев - то же самое упражнение к которому "разогреваешься", только вес используешь 1/4 полноценного.
Средний разогрев - то же самое упражнение к которому "разогреваешься", только вес используешь 1/2 полноценного.
Всего упражнений семь:
приседания: разогрев, разогрев, сет, сет | |
жим лежа: разогрев, разогрев, сет, сет | |
тяга к поясу: разогрев, разогрев, сет, сет | |
overhead press(не нашел перевода, поднимаешь гантели над головой): (разогревов нет!) сет, сет | |
stiff-legged deadlift(поднятие штанги не сгибая колен): сет, сет | |
barbell curl(бицепс): сет, сет | |
calf raises(упражнение на икры): сет, сет |
А теперь сложная часть, сколько и каких упражнений делать. Упражнения выполняются циклами по 5 недель(да, это не похудей к лету за выходные, это месяцы):
1 неделя - каждый день каждый сет это 8 повторов. Т.е. например приседания - 8 приседаний легкий разогрев, 8 приседаний средний разогрев, 8 приседаний полный вес, 8 приседаний полный вес, всего 32 раза присесть.
2 неделя - в 1 сете 9 повторов
3 неделя - в 1 сете 10 повторов
4 неделя - в 1 сете 11 повторов
5 неделя - в 1 сете 12 повторов
Если получилось выполнить все семь упражений все сеты в каждом по 12 повторов в последнюю неделю, то можно переходить ко второму циклу - увеличение веса на 10%, сброс счетчика с 12 повторов до 8.
Если НЕ получилось - цикл надо повторить с тем же самым весом.
Отдых между разогревами не больше минуты, между полноценными сетами не больше полутора минут.
Чтобы определить стартовый вес, нужно попрактиковаться поднимать несколько дней, затем выполнить всю программу с одним сетом используя вес, который считаешь что можешь поднять 5-8 раз. Выполняй сет до тех пор пока не дойдешь до меееедленного подъема, и записываешь количество повторов. Посчитай стартовый вес так, чтобы на каждые 2 повтора приходилось 5-7.5% от 10 повторов. Например если можешь поднять 100 фунтов 5 раз, то начальный вес должен быть 80-85 фунтов.
Но насчет начального веса можно сильно не заморачиваться - если слишком большой взял, то цикл закончить не выйдет, придется начинать с начала или даже уменьшить вес на некоторых упражениях, если слишком маленький, то на следующем цикле все выровняется.
Если пропустил по какой-то причине тяжелый день - выполняешь его в среду. Если пропустил среду - вместо легкого в пятницу выполняешь средний. Если пропустил легкий в пятницу - то умерла значит умерла. Но лучше этим не злоупотреблять - нагрузка сначала кажется смешной, но очень быстро оказывается что она выросла в стотыщмильонов раз и приходится повторять цикл.
Для ведроида есть приложение, для убогих вроде меня есть таблица в Екселе, я когда начинал нарисовал свою потому что ничего этого не было еще. Учет нужен с этой программой обязательно потому что сколько чего и когда поднимать не запомнишь, запутаться очень легко.
Сейчас я занимаюсь по ней же, но во вторник, четверг, и суббота у меня кардио, в выходные - выходные. Такой режим оптимален, но я занимаюсь по утром перед работой, это не для всех. Хотя плюсов заниматься утром больше - самый главный психологический, когда после работы уставший не ищешь себе отмазы почему не идешь в спортзал, да и вставать утром пораньше полезно.
По поводу питания особых советов нет, разве что если хочешь ускорить рост мышшшц, то можно купить протеиновую пудру и пить эту мерзость после занятий, как я делал раньше. Или как сейчас я просто после занятий завтрак из яичницы с беконом, чтобы у организма был какой-то протеин под рукой для восстановления.
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How to Bench Press with Proper Form (AVOID MISTAKES!),Howto & Style,how to bench,how to bench press,how to bench press more,bench press,bench,press,proper form,barbell bench press,bench press technique,bench press tips,chest press,strength training,bench press workout,bigger chest,chest workout,chest training,build muscle,weight lifting,chest exercises,bench press program,bench press grip,increase your bench press,increase bench press,mind pump,mptv,mind pump tv,chest,muscle,how,to,How to Bench Press with Proper Form | Mind Pump FREE GUIDE: How To Build A Great Chest! https://www.mindpumpmedia.com/p/How-To-Build-A-Great-Chest Subscribe to Mind Pump TV here: http://bit.ly/mindpumptv Learn how to bench press with this great guide. Bench Pressing is a staple movement of weightlifting and is important to preform properly. By doing so, you can build a great looking chest and ensure that your muscle building progress is always upwards. FREE GUIDE: How To Build A Great Chest! https://www.mindpumpmedia.com/p/How-To-Build-A-Great-Chest Subscribe to Mind Pump TV here: http://bit.ly/mindpumptv 0:47 - Retract your shoulders 1:20 - Points of contact 1:47 - Natural lower back arch 2:30 - Bench press grip (hand placement) 3:32 - Barbell path 4:48 - Generating power + feet placement 5:21 - Breathing + bracing The bench press is considered one of THE foundational exercises for the upper body for good reason. It trains all of the “pushing” muscles in a way that allows for heavy loads and develops the chest, shoulders, and triceps extremely effectively. It would be very difficult to find a bodybuilder who didn’t develop their chest muscles without the use of the bench press. It's also one of the “big 3” movements that powerlifters compete in along with the squat and the deadlift. One of the most common questions that people ask others to gauge their strength is “how much can you bench.” That all being said the bench press is also responsible for many shoulder, pec and elbow injuries. In fact, a damaged AC joint in the shoulder is sometimes referred to as “bench press shoulder.” If done properly the bench press can develop impressive muscle and strength. Below we list how to set up and execute a proper bench press for maximum power, strength, chest development and in a way that minimizes the risk of injury. Step One: Lay down on a flat bench. Your feet should be on the floor and NOT up in the air or on the bench. Keep the knees bent at 90 degrees with your feet directly under your knees. Your upper back, shoulder blades, and butt should be in contact with the bench and should remain in contact with the bench. Your low back should have a natural arch and should not be in contact with the bench. Step Two: Grab the bar with a relatively wide distance. Your grip should be wider than your shoulders. Typically, your ring finger or pinky finger will be placed on the rings that are present on all bench press bars. Step Three: Squeeze your shoulder blades back and down. In other words, pinch your shoulder blades together while simultaneously bring them down your back…basically don’t let them shrug. Step Four: Grip the bar hard and unrack the weight. Brace your entire body. Slowly lower the weight to below your nipple line. Your elbows shouldn’t be out at 90 degrees (that a great way to hurt your shoulder). Elbows should be at about 75 degrees. Touch your chest with the bar and press it all the way back up. It should take you about 3 seconds to lower the bar and about 1-3 seconds to raise the bar. That’s it! You are bench pressing! You are on your way to developing a muscular chest, shoulders, and triceps! For more chest workouts and videos on how to do the bench press and the best bench press for your upper chest, make sure to subscribe to Mind Pump TV for all of our awesome fitness information: https://www.youtube.com/mindpumptv Connect with Mind Pump: https://www.mindpumpmedia.com/ https://www.instagram.com/mindpumpmedia/ https://www.facebook.com/mindpump https://www.youtube.com/mindpumptv https://twitter.com/mindpump
Proper Form For A Bent Over Row,Howto & Style,Fitness,MoreThanMary,Row,
How To Overhead Press For Bigger Shoulders (5 Mistakes You're Probably Making),People & Blogs,overhead press,shoulder press,shoulder press form,overhead press form,military press,how to military press,overhead shoulder press,bigger shoulders,how to get bigger shoulders,how to get big shoulders,shoulder exercises,how to get big delts,shoulder exercise,overhead press barbell,overhead press benefits,overhead press technique,how to shoulder press,form on military press,overhead press mistakes,barbell shoulder press,jeremyethier,Well-developed, rounded shoulders are one of many key features that dramatically improves and completes a powerful looking upper body. And in order to best grow this muscle and to answer the often asked question of “how to get bigger shoulders”, there’s no doubt that the standing overhead press should be a staple in your routine. However, despite the seemingly straightforward movement pattern of the barbell overhead press (also known as the “shoulder press” or “military press”), there’s a lot more that goes into it than simply lifting a bar overhead. In fact, proper overhead press form and shoulder press form in general is what’s going to enable you to get big shoulders most efficiently while minimizing your risk of injury as you do so. Therefore, in this video I’ll go through how to shoulder press properly by discussing the 5 most common overhead pressing technique mistakes people make. TIME STAMPS: Mistake 1 (Flaring Elbows): 0:51 Mistake 2 (Curved Bar Path): 2:06 Mistake 3 (Arched Back): 3:18 Mistake 4 (Bent Wrists): 5:49 Mistake 5 (Using Momentum): 6:32 VIEW MY 4 SCIENCE-BASED PROGRAMS HERE: https://builtwithscience.com/courses/ LINK TO FOAM ROLLER (this is an affiliate link and I will get a portion of the sale, so thank you in advance!): http://amzn.to/2lz9nYi (the one I used in this video) http://amzn.to/2lB4duO (a better quality one) FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM & FACEBOOK: https://www.instagram.com/jeremyethier/ https://www.facebook.com/Jeremyethierfit/ STUDIES: Scapular plane: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19194023 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10736394 Kyphosis & lordosis makes press less effective: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2095254614000106 Thoracic mobility: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7787853 MUSIC: https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired (Images of exercise illustrations property of and copyright WorkoutLabs LLC)
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How To: Barbell Bicep Curl | 3 GOLDEN RULES,Howto & Style,how to,barbell,bicep,curl,rules,barbell bicep curl,how to bicep curl,how to barbell curl,scott herman biceps,barbell biceps curl,barbell curl,biceps,bodybuilding,muscles,gym,weight training,fitness,barbell curls,exercises,exercises for biceps,biceps curl,bicep curl,training,arms,biceps workouts,curls,bicep curls,bicep workouts,biceps curls,bicep exercises,bicep workout,biceps workout at gym,best bicep workout,how to get big biceps,get bigger biceps,Overloading your biceps is the ONLY way to get them to grow and the barbell biceps curl can help you not only lift the most weight possible, but also fix UNEVEN biceps if you focus on controlled negatives. The GOLDEN RULES series will always deliver super quick tips to help you reach your goals so be sure to let me know which exercise you want to see next! Also.... don't mind the red marks all over my body.. my AWESOME hotel had beg bugs... *READ FULL ARTICLE WITH PHOTOS* https://muscularstrength.com/article/How-To-Barbell-Bicep-Curl Today we’re going to be going over proper form for a barbell biceps curl. Before we get into the 3 golden rules, I just want to do a quick form check so you know what proper form looks like. Proper Form: Barbell Bicep Curl You can utilize this exercise to target the inner or outer heads a bit more. For example, if you want to place more emphasis on the inner head (short head), you would do a really wide grip. If you wanted to place more emphasis on the outer head (long head) of the biceps, you’d grab with a closer grip. What I want you to focus on, however, is trying to hit both heads equally by using a nice neutral grip so your arms are about shoulder width apart. To perform the movement, all you’re going to do is bring your arms slightly forward, and make sure your arms are fully locked out. One of the easiest ways to know you did a bicep curl with full range of motion is at the bottom of the movement, you flex your triceps. Once your triceps are flexed, you’re going to bring the weight up, curl all the way to the top, squeeze and flex those biceps as hard as you can, then slowly control and return to the starting position, flexing those triceps, and repeat for reps. #1: Always Use A Straight Barbell What should you use, a straight bar, or an E-Z curl bar? Let’s start by looking at the E-Z curl bar. There’s actually two functions of your biceps, one of those functions is obviously to flex the arm, and the other function is to supinate the forearm. What happens when you use an E-Z curl bar? The reason why it makes the curl easier is because it places a little less tension on your wrists, and when you grab the inside handles you’ll notice that instead of your hand being totally straight, it’s turned in slightly. What does that mean in terms of biceps activation? Technically you’re still supinating your forearm, but you’re not supinating it all the way out. Obviously you’ll get some flexion in the biceps when you curl, there is a bit of supination happening at the top, but you’re not able to maximize it. If you have good flexibility and it doesn’t bother you to use a straight bar, then that’s what you want to do. When possible, use a straight bar to maximize both the flexion of the biceps, as well as the supinating your forearm out as much as you can. #2: Always Keep Tension On The Biceps This means you never want to let your arms hang fully down by your side during your repetitions. Gravity does play a factor when doing bicep curls if you want to keep tension on your biceps. However, what most people do to try to compensate for this is they do half reps. Obviously if you’re doing a half rep, you’re not working your biceps through the entire range of motion, which can also create weakness over time. You don’t want that, you want to build your biceps as big and as massive as possible, and utilize every single repetition to do that. The fix is actually easier than you think. When doing your curls, when you get to the bottom of the movement, instead of hanging your arms down by your sides, what you’re going to do is keep your elbows slightly in front of your hips. This slight change in angle from being straight down to being about an inch or two in front of your hips is going to place a great deal of tension on your biceps, even when your arm is fully extended at the bottom of the movement. If you’re able to maintain that as you do all your repetitions, you’re going to be keeping constant tension on your biceps and see much faster gains. #3: Don’t Be Afraid To Use Momentum Obviously as a beginner, you probably shouldn’t be using any momentum. You should be utilizing weight that you can handle for all of your repetitions. If you’re doing 8 repetitions, you should be able to go all the way up and all the way down with good form for all 8 reps. *CONTINUE READING HERE* https://muscularstrength.com/article/How-To-Barbell-Bicep-Curl Program Selector - Get The Right Program For You! - https://muscularstrength.com/Program-Selector ---------------------------------------- Subscribe To My Channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/ScottHermanFitness ---------------------------------------- 1 on 1 Online Coaching - http://muscularstrength.com/consultations ---------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD MY APP! – iPhone & Android! https://muscularstrength.com/phoneapp ---------------------------------------- MORE TIPS! - https://www.instagram.com/ScottHermanFitness
How to Do a Calf Raise | Sexy Legs Workout,Sports,Howcast,basic exercises for women,sexy legs,body workouts for women,lower body workouts for women,how to get sexy legs,how to tone your legs and thighs,exercises for legs,tone calves,tone thighs,calf raises,Full Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL335CE9BCA846414E - - Like these Legs Workouts !!! Check out the official app http://apple.co/1HZZY4i Check out these Top Rated Women’s Workout Essentials: Shake Weight Dumbell: http://amzn.to/1igS0YU Gaiam Total Body Balance Ball Kit: http://amzn.to/1igUpmx Jillian Michaels: No More Trouble Zones: http://amzn.to/1Q6P5gS Fitbit Flex Sleep + Activity Tracker: http://amzn.to/1Jfm7Lq Aylio 3 Flat Stretch Bands Exercise Set: http://amzn.to/1hvOrNT Trigger Point Performance Foam Roller: http://amzn.to/1LIZvS6 Watch more Sexy Legs Workout videos: http://www.howcast.com/videos/502159-How-to-Do-a-Calf-Raise-Sexy-Legs-Workout A great toning exercise is a standing calf raise. So, basically, you can use dumbbells or you can just use nothing. If you want to, you can put your hands on your hips, put them behind your head. Or, if you're against a wall, you can use a wall or a chair for stability. So, basically, you're going to have hands by your side if you're using dumbbells, and you're going to lift up onto the balls of your feet. So, lift up, squeeze the calves, and down. So, make sure while you're doing this that you're keeping your shoulders back, your core is tight, and you're standing straight, nice and tall. Alright. We don't want any rounding. We want to come up, hold for about one, two seconds, and then just come down. We're doing this for about 15 to 20 reps, and by the time you hit 15 you should definitely be feeling a burn. And when you do this, I would do probably two to three sets of 12 to 15 reps. If you go up to 20 and feel the burn, that's even better. Another variation of the standing calf raise is if you have a box at home or a step, you could even use the stairs. Basically, you get even more of a full range of motion if you're standing on a step. So, as you come up on a step, you come down and your heels are slightly going to go lower than the floor. So, that gives you even more of an angle to come up and more of a squeeze. So, you can add that. It just makes it more advanced. So, up and down, just like that. But you can use a step or a box or whatever you have at home, or at the gym. And it just makes it even more advanced so you get even more of a burn. And there you go. That's a great toning exercise called the standing calf raise.
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