IS YOUR CHILD TEXTING ABOUT XCOM2? JK-Jane Kelly IDEK - imminent dark events known IDC - intel dwindling considerably IDEC - instant death: explosive car DGAF - "Dodged: grazed !"...Archon fucks IMO - innumerable "Missed!" overwatches NVM - neutralize the voidmaiden DM - defense matrix ETA - elite trooper ahead ASL - aliens scouting location WTF? - where's the fullcover? ILYSM - I love Yegor so much STFU - Shadowbound troop fallen unconscious ASAP - Aliens Still continue to make progress on the Avatar Project. If we're going to slow them down, we'll need to move fast. MSG - many soldiers gravely wounded NM - nanomedkit OMG - Ops mostly Guerrilla AKA-always kill ADVENT LMFAO - laugh mercilessly at fallen advent officers OMW - oof, many wounded TTYL - Tygan takes your loot G2G - got 2 grapple WBU?-wounded, bleeding out, or unconscious? TBH - targets be holo'd BFF - Bradford friend forever BYOB - bring your own Boltcaster TMI - time-sensitive mission ignored TBD - take that berserker down SMU-sectoid mind-control unsuccessful ROFL- resistance order: facility lead TLDR-take loot, destroy relay FOMO - fretting over Missed overwatches HBU - hunker behind utilitybox TGIF - targeted Guerrilla ops or investigate facility HMU - hacks mostly unsuccessful SMFI -sectopods murdering heavily BRB - better reload the Boltcaster LOL- lots of Lost TIL-talon rounds in loadout AFK - alien facility known GG - gravely wounded by gatekeeper BTW - bondmate team work
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